Numbered bank account

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Yes, swiss banks has one special procedure. If there is search warrant issued by a swiss judge, they contact account owner and ask him to close account immediately. After account is closed, they just send answe to the court, that person is in a date of data search not a client of a bank. This is one of things which swiss banks use to do for their privat banking clients if necessary.
Then what is the meaning of a search warrant? Do you really think banks in Switzerland committing a crime by helping the account owner?
Then what is the meaning of a search warrant? Do you really think banks in Switzerland committing a crime by helping the account owner?
That is not a crime. They do not lie. They write just an exact true. On a day when search is done, person is not a client of a bank. And requested acount does not exist.
And this information is sent to a swiss court. Swiss court just forwards data as they receive it to a foreign country.
This is how it usualy works.
Just if foreign authority requires for a historical data, not just informations abount account and holder of account, search warrant is processed. The most of first time search warrants are just issued as request about if person is client of a bank and if client has account there. And response is true: No.
Just if investigating authority understands how it works, requires a new search warrant for a historical data.
This is how it works for many years in Switzerland.
There is nothing illegal on this activity.
You can't help your customers to avoid justice, it is a crime and informing the customer prior to a search warrant is obviously not legal. This kind of thing not happening in Switzerland but if you're talking about customers with billion $ then it is another thing.
Well this looks like a way to buy time, and I'm sure that courts are not so stupid, but it's not unreasonable that they would be doing something like this for good clients. I'm sure no Swiss bank will ever risk their license to cover someone up, but they might try to delay things within the limits of the law.
This is of course irrelevant in the long run and for those who have less than 100 million in a bank, so I would say 100% of the users of the forum, but it's still good info to know.
Again so much false information. Banks must report you it’s not their optional choice. Please not make your fantasies and tell it to people. Maybe some shady Banker will try to hide some information if your Putin or Kim but then we talk about billions and crime. So again forget about number accounts and also love next fairy tale stories are just nonsense
Reactions: rowena
I do not know, why porr people believe, system works the same for them as for rich ones.. Just live in your socialistic bubble. Rich people has a special service, special priviliges and special conditions. It is the same all the history and it will be the same for the rest of human race. Socialists can balieve, they found a way how to know about money of rich people. I will tell you something: There is no way how poor people can touch a money of a rich without their will. Just dream your socialistic dream.. Or stuhy history and talk with the people who are on higher level..
Banking for rich and banking for poor peasants are two pair of shoes.
That is very true.
It applies to many other things as well, especially outside the newly created socialist paradises of eu / usa, it is very visible.
If you have the money you can open a bank account in any bank, even without visiting the bank and you can get exclusive service; 7/24 account managers in your native language, numbered accounts, very different negotiable pricing compared to retail customers, exclusive luxury surprises but never think any bank will do illegal things to protect you especially banks in Switzerland. I'm talking about real Swiss banks not talking about "branch banks" like CIM Banque in Switzerland. There are 2 major banks in Switzerland; UBS and Credit Suisse. They're "Real Swiss" banks and hold about 60% deposits of Switzerland country. My comments are valid for both banks and based on my real experiences.
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They do not do anything illegal. They just combine services with help of lawyers to be anonymous and guard their rich clients. All reporting standards are created to leave rich people and their bankers some ways around.
Well Love you’re not rich just a scam
Small pocket guy with big imagination I understand that.

but please continue your fairy tale stories it’s funny for me to read always such messages.

everybody can read your recommendations and just need some common sense of logic.

2 billion for a bank license - nice fairy tale

dig your own gold Tresor - funny

number bank accounts in Switzerland - watch less movies man.

But please write more and expose of your big knowledge to us

just not confuse people here this forum was for a moment legit and not for clowns.
Switzerland if you want a hard ride 2.5 - 3 mio and it’s possible. They won’t be most happy about such a *poor* client but it’s possible: I would recommend as minimum 5-10 mio if you want have it a bit more easy to find a bank Tonwerk with you, but 2.5 is min require you will need some friends then there.
Yes, this amount is possible.
But you will fancy the nice ride with 30M+ and being considered uhnwi or how that is being called.
Dear chineese SOCIALIST,

I understand that you did not have a time and place to study math in SOCIALISTIC education system. You rather spent time reading books of Marx, Lenin, Staĺin etc and you love them so much,...

Let use some math:

Private vault:

If you need to store gold worth 1 mil Eur. Private storage annual fee: approx. 3K Eur. Usual insurance limit: 300K. So you need to add additional insurance which is usualy 1 % of insured value. So, total annual storage costs, including insurance is: 10K.

Building i private vault in a safe country costs in average: 50K

What is investment return?

Oh, I forgot.. you had just a SOCIALITC math in your school. Calculating something like investment return was not allowed and just try to thing about anything like that was unacceptable. So OK, I will tell you.

Investment return is 5 years. What means, ROI is 20 %. This is something, what every common sense investor will do.

Yes, I inderstand your SOCIALISTIC ideas. It is not allowed to have a private vault in your world. Everyone should hold their gold and other valuables in bank vaults and some private vaults. Everyone has to report everything and to everyone authority. And just to be waiting to have it confiscated and used for a new SOCIALISTIC revolution.

Just sit back, relax and dream your wet SOCIALISTIC dreams. One day, when you will be old and still waiting for becoming a world, where all people are equal, you will be still waiting and waiting and waiting.. It never happend in a history of a world that all people are being equal. Just SOCIALISTS like you are still dreaming about this nonsense,.
The closest thing to a numbered bank account is Monero or darks
Using darks is criminal offence. Using legal service of swiss banks designed by top lawyers and bankers is legal. I understand, that this type of services is for ultra wealthy individuals only. Darks can be used by almost anyone in reality. The difference is in a risk level..

Monero is good. But the difference to bank account is volatility.
I didn't stumble upon any banks that still offer numbered accounts... your best shot might be Monero. Swiss banks in general do not do this anymore, not even for the extremely wealthy. Compliance has become a huge deal worldwide and in Switzerland as well.
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