Numbered bank account

WoW I'm impressed where do you find all this old crap? Are you educated historian?

Or are you researching on Wikipedia which isn't up to date with anything that can be compared with the information you find here at Offshorecorptalk!

Numbered accounts are from the past, long long long time ago it was possible, you need to go 15 years back even more 20 or 25 years when Swiss Banks, Uruguay Banks and other banana republics issued numbered accounts and Maestro cards without name or traces.

You need to go back in time where ATM's where safe to withdraw money from and they were untraceable.

I whish I had a time machine to come back there, I would make a fortune in this live.
Do any one provide Numbered bank account?
Is it scam ?
Or Is it real?

How one can open numbered bank account ?
In the age of transparency it's getting very hard for a good bank to open up an account for you anymore. Number account went away with 911 attacks mostly as Patriot act made sure that banks all over the world can't open numbered account anymore for security reasons.
Reactions: troubled soul
Numbered or aliased accounts still exist. I'm not sure why that's such a controversial idea. Very few banks still offer them, though, but if I'm not mistaken there are still some banks in Switzerland, Andorra, and Liechtenstein offering it for wealthy clients.

However, they are no longer anonymous. They just limit the scope to which your name is openly associated with the account in the bank's system and on bank statements.

If any authority comes and asks for information, it's the press of a button (for a senior manager or AML officer at the bank at least) to connect the account to your identity.

It's also not possible (or at least very difficult) to send wire transfers to and from numbered/aliased accounts since they don't have the information necessary to comply with modern SWIFT messaging standards. You will need another account to receive funds to/from and then move into the numbered accounts.
They're "cool" and gives you extra privacy(not from authorities); Low title bank employees cannot see your name, you can receive money without disclosing your name, etc...
Interesting, thanks. How about payment cards? Would the cards associated with such accounts have the number as "name" that one can punch into the "card owner" fields, or are just normal cards with account holder name?
Reactions: troubled soul
Answer is: Yes, there are. But is is mix of services. And there are 2 types. I hope, no one will want to hit me for revealing a secrets which are usualy avaible for ultra wealthy people only.

1. Combination of Donation and credit - for wealthy clients:

You donate to a Liechtenstein foundation owned by a Swiss bank 1,000,000 CHF.
and they open internal bank account of Liechtenstein foundation in their bank,. You are given a card from that account. On paper, it is account of Liechtenstein foundation. Not yours. Buy you can freely use money on that account by using a card. You are not a beneficiary of a fondation. They form another foundaton in Panama, which is beneficiary of Liechtenstein foundation. Whereas panamian foundation is entity, which beneficiary is identified as a "card holder" but not any exact person, there is no one reportable.

2. Combination of internal bank account and safe box - for not so wealthy clients.

You deposit a money for annual fees for a deposti box in swiss bank internal account. They rent you a deposit box, where you deposit a money. You sign a power of attorney to the bank to open and deposit more money or withdraw money from deposit box, whenever instructed. When you instruct a bank that you need to make a wire, they open a safe box, withdraw a money an deposit them into their internal bank account. And they just make a wire from thir another internal bank account and recalculate transactions between their internal accounts. Money in deposit box is not a bank account and it is not reportable.

3. Combination of 1. and 2 - for ultra wealthy clinets

All of this is offered just by a small private banks in Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Andorra.

The "numbered account" is technicaly just a number of contract between client and the bank.

There are some other combinations and variations of this services. Privacy still exists. But for wealthy people, only.

Fee for so "over" standard service starts in 5 digit amount per year.
Your instructions miss out on something important. Swiss bankers are not that naïve any longer as you describe them here.

If you are wealthy and have millions already I'm sure you don't have them laying under your bet so a quick call to your current bank will open an account and deposit box in Switzerland if that is what you want.

The entire problem to involve banks in your operation is that if you are into black money and money laundering and you engage banks in such activity one way or another your will go to jail some day. As @Martin Everson and @Sols and a few other people pointed out already, authorities will monitor maybe 5, 10 and even 20 years then they will hook as a shark from the deep.

Game over.

On the other hand, if you have millions already, I'm sure you don't sit behind a screen on a public forum to find ways to transport your money! That again makes it irrelevant to post about possible constellation that costs thousands of EURO's and which only purpose is to increase a users post count and reputation to get users contacting you.
Banks offers this services, if you like it or not. They offer it to a clients, who they know very well. This services are not offered for unknown or new clients. Swiss bankers are not naive. But they love money. So they try to provide as many privacy and services to their clients as they can. Privacy was something what was available for all in the past. It is available for wealthy, only. If you believe, that there are just the same bank services for wealthy people like for all other average people, you are naive. Not a swiss bankers. Wealthy people received higher level of services and privacy all the time. It is the same for hundreds years and this will stay for next hundreds years. If you believe in that socialistic bullshits about total transparency, you should not swhich off CNN for all the day. Just socialists believe, that people are equal. In reality - people are not equal. And services for wealthy people exists. Bank is a business. Nothing else. They has to earn money. They has to understand ration of risks and profits as well as ration of income and costs. If they want to have a wealthy clients, they have to provide them a services, which are providing a level of privacy as this people require and need. Open your eyes. Do you really believe, that services for poor average people are the same as services for wealthy people? This is just a wet wish of all socialist. Socialist believe, that all wealth of all people around a globe should be transparent. Rich people does not see is this way. They are ready to pay for high level services and they value their privacy very high.

The most of banks shich provide this services does not provide it for a black money. They provide it for clean money. They know tier customers very well for a many years. And for many generations, many times. Almost every privat bank as so called "family office". Bans pay expensive lawyers to create structures for wealthy people. The most of wealthy people does not order nor pay lawyers directly. The most of this work is ordered and paid by bankers. And they do it for their clients.

I never wote about providing numbered accounts for money lanudering nor storing any black money.

I do not try to count any user posts. I do not want anyone to contact me. I have not ever tried to obtain any client here. And I do not plan to do it. The only reason why I am writing here my opinions from my own experience, because I hate ameteurism and lying. The most of infornations on this forum are more hopes and wishes than a true and reality. And I just want to show a people what is a real situation. When I came here, I found how many lies are wrote here. How many non actual, non relevant informations are published here. I believe, that people has right to know a truth. That is all. I do not use this forum to attract a potential customers. I do not need it.
I'm sure that banks will provide more secrecy if you pay, but they still have to obey to court orders. This was not the case when Swiss bank secrecy law was in effect, as for example they were not complying to court orders for tax evasion cases as they were not penal crimes in Switzerland. That's why all Italians brought money to Switzerland.
Reactions: troubled soul
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