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Need help, Offshore holding company and trading for online business?

It depends on what your goals are. Typically you will want to have the holding company in an offshore jurisdiction where you don't have to worry about accounting and fiscal reporting, Seychelles is such a offshore jurisdiction, furthe for the trading company it depends what your target customer group is and where they are located (country).

In the last few months we have seen huge trends where a Seychelles company is acting as Holding for an Cyprus trading company, but it dosen't need to be so.

In regards to offshore banking, you will want to look into countries like Switzerland, Seychelles and even Cyprus.
So you suggest Seychelles Holding and Cyprus trading company right?
True, for the only reason that we know how to structure it correctly so that the Cyprus company can obtain a Merchant account later on.

how long does it take to get all this?
In average it takes between 3 and 5 weeks to accomplish all this, sometimes it takes even 1 or 2 weeks longer.. We are depending very much on SIBA and the registrar of companies in Cyprus.
allnew said:
What is the best offshore jurisdiction to open Offshore holding & trading company? Must Holding be in another country than Trading or it dosen't matter?
What bank to open offshore account with?
Seychelles Holding companu owning Cyprus company, bot companies open an account in Cyprus with one of the larger banks there i.e. Bank of Cyprus, Bank of Piraeus etc. alternative banking would be Swiss banking, I'm still researching on that.
Yes you can incorporate a BVI company (Holding compay) and have it incorporate a Cyprus company, means the BVI holding will own the shares in the Cyprus company, this will also offer "free" anonymity in regards to the shareholder listing on the public register. Since it is the BVI Holding (or any other offshore company) that holds the shares in the Cyprus company then it will be this company that is listed public.