Need help for my Adult dating business ( Offshore company + bank account + card Payment processing)


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Feb 20, 2020
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I am new in the group, so thanks for accepting me!
I am launching my dating business so i have openned a non-resident UK company + transferwise account.
The problem is i want go anonymous and don't want my personal information to appear in the UK gov register.
I have tried to search for my company on UK gov website and i saw my name and also my country of residence on the website. I DON'T WANT THIS!
What should i do in order to be anonymous? should i create another company in another jurisdiction that offers a high level of anonymity and privacy? can you advise you know any?
The problem i resides in Europe and i have not yet got a payment processor for my website, i was thinking of using CCbill but they work with european companies only.
If i open the company in a non-european jurisdiction do you know any third party payment processor or merchant account provider for my business (high-risk)?
Any help will be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
Reactions: JohnLocke
Before you change anything in your company structure I would apply for as many payment processors as you need. After you got approved I would make the required changes to stay anonymous.

There are similar threads about the privacy of UK companies at OffshoreCorpTalk already, you may use Google to search the forum or wait fo others to reply that know more about it.
Sorry to be tough but it is for your good.

Did you read the acceptable use of transfserwise, don't they prohibit adult industries? Transferwise isn't adult friendly, they will ask you to justify your income and close your account.

I am not aware of a single adult dating website operating from Hong Kong, Singapore... Many adult dating companies are located in the netherlands.

I think the best would be Cyprus or Estonia for an adult related business.
Reactions: Loizos
You won't get any banking in Cyprus for your Adult stuff nor in many of the other countries. People tend to make a cover business to get their bank account or EMI somewhere or find Adult friendly EMI's as Payoneer was used to be.

Thanks for your reply, so you mean i should apply for many payment processors first. OK i think i should see the possibilities of staying anonymous in UK. Because my thought was to open a brand new offshore company, but i think if i change the company it will be a problem with the payment processor.

You won't get any banking in Cyprus for your Adult stuff nor in many of the other countries. People tend to make a cover business to get their bank account or EMI somewhere or find Adult friendly EMI's as Payoneer was used to be.

I have registered my company as website, e-commerce development company, do you think if i transfer the money from my payment processor to transferwise on weekly/biweekly basis they will notice i am into adult? Many adult dating are registered in netherlands and but their companies are registered as IT companies only. If there are good suggestions on banks that accept adult please let me know.

Do you guys also think i need to go on mentor group? Will it be helpfull for my case?
That is exactly what I mean, most of the Adult websites / companies around have registered as something different and it works fine for them. I believe that if you get big anough you can walk to your local bank or even to holy Swiss banks with a million Euro and simply tell them to open the account. If you bring a good lawyer with you it won't be a problem.

Anyway, that's not for the small average Joe.

Do you guys also think i need to go on mentor group? Will it be helpfull for my case?
It's always a pleasure to welcome new members to the mentor group, also your support shown that way is much appreciated.

If it helps, not sure, there are people around there that believe mentor group is working fine for them.
it will not be hard if the emi has basic research skills , it's been said in multiple threads that transferwise google the company .
You dont need any bank and most won't accept adult or even dating at all. I run a adult dating network and have it all set up but yes I use UK company so my name show. Get cardbiller, flat rate 5% and their new service, its like a e-wallet but safer then all others like e-payment(crap) etc as you have your adult business with them already so you will never get any issue for adult niche as that is what they do as business the last 19 years. I hade before Cyprus company but cost to much and many scammers agents and not worth it. I would not advice use UK company and later change owners etc with out inform cardbiller or anyother company you will use as UK company they sure do regular checking just to see this things. You need a nominee in that case. feel free to contact me if you want some tips etc
Reactions: joeytamlovebusiness
It sounds crazy but i do think that it would be easier to work with a mainstream bank than an EMI for an adult business. EMI are not cool at all. Transferwise, payoneer, revolut use to close ALL accounts related to the adult industry.
4. Can I open a Revolut business account?
You must be over 18 to open a Revolut account.

When you ask to open your account, the following apply:

  • you promise that you have full authority to enter into the agreement and meet the obligations under it; and
  • we, or someone acting for us, will ask for certain information about you, where the amount you are opening the account with comes from, your authorised persons (as explained below), as well as any directors, partners, people with significant control over your business or any beneficial owners. We'll also ask you to confirm that any authorised person has your authority to act on your behalf and that they have agreed to keep to these terms and conditions.
We will only give you access to your Revolut account and the Revolut Dashboard once we have all the information we need.

You can't open more than one Revolut account, or open a new Revolut account if we've previously closed a Revolut account that you held. You also cannot open an account with us if you are a charity, political organisation or religious organisation.

You cannot open or hold a Revolut account if you carry out any sort of business or activity that relates to the following:

  • dating and escort services;
  • pornography;
  • weapons;
  • trading in precious metals, stones or art;
  • running an auction house;
  • cashback services;
  • chemicals and related products;
  • video-game arcades;
  • trading in cryptocurrency;
  • selling second-hand cars;
  • binary options or gambling;
  • debt collection; or
  • trading in prime-bank guarantees, debentures, letters of credit or medium-term notes.
We can refuse to let you open or hold a Revolut account if you carry out any other business or activity that we are not comfortable with. Or we may apply restrictions, which we'll tell you about before we allow you to open the account.

Transferwise acceptable use:

1.2.1 Regulated or illegal products and services
  • Adult content.
    1. Pornography and other visual content depicting explicitly sexual acts.
    2. Services of sexual nature (webcam shows, live chats, prostitution, escorts, etc).
    3. Sexually oriented establishments (massage parlors, strip clubs, gentleman’s clubs).
  • Alcohol businesses.
    1. Payments for the sale of alcohol to retail customers are not supported.
  • Tobacco products.
  • Cannabis.
    1. Products containing CBD.
    2. Any other products or services related to legal marijuana trade.
  • Certain controlled substances or other products that present a risk to consumer safety.
    1. Smart drugs, nootropic supplements.
    2. Substances that provide similar effects as illegal drugs (kratom, khat, etc.)
    3. Anabolic steroids and peptides.
  • Drug paraphernalia.
    1. Any equipment, product, or material which is intended for making, using, or concealing drugs
  • Pharmaceuticals.
    1. Nutraceuticals, pseudo-pharmaceuticals, and other products which make unreasonable health claims not approved or verified by the applicable regulatory body.
    2. Online pharmacies.
    3. Prescription-only pharmaceutical drugs.
    4. Payments for the sale of pharmaceutical products to retail customers are not supported.
  • Chemicals.
    1. Commodity chemicals.
  • Counterfeit or unauthorised goods.
    1. Unauthorised sale of designer and/or brand products.
    2. Sale of illegally imported or exported goods.
  • Gambling.
    1. Lotteries.
    2. Fantasy sports with cash prizes.
    3. Games of chance with cash prizes.
    4. Sales of in-game currencies by unauthorised vendors.
    5. Any type of gambling payments or businesses related to Turkey, United States, or Canada.
    6. Any other type of businesses related to gambling, up to TransferWise’s own discretion.
  • Intellectual property or proprietary rights infringement.
    1. Any product or service that directly infringes or facilitates infringement upon the copyright, patent, trademark, trade secrets, proprietary, or privacy rights of any third party.
  • Products and services which are not legal in the jurisdiction they are being offered in.
Once your name is in the company registry it will remain there, even if you resign it will be in the former members list. no matter what EMIs say they have to share information with banking partners and governments. what do you think happens when you make an international payments and lets say a correspondence bank asks for your ID document (as a random check) 100% the EMI gives them the ID. so dont believe any sales guys telling you they are anonymous.

the closed thing you will come in europe to being partly anonymous for payments is if you dont get a an account directly under your named but a pooled account (name of account is under the PSP) in a lot of these cases they dont report the pool account users
What you mean are 3rd party payment processors, right! In that case you will need to find some of the more shady ones as far as I know (tell me if I'm wrong) but even CCBILL, Verotel and Epoch system the major Adult billers require you to register with Visa and/or MasterCard for a MID.
I have just launched a dating website in New Zealand and Australia and had no problems with banks or processors but then I have no issue with being identified. My biggest challenge is Facebook blocking competitive advertising with having launched their own dating site and also finding investors who understand global marketing. Different issues in different market locations I guess.
Reactions: thierryg761

hi, may i inquire u about banking issues with adult busniess? I run a pornsite and find its difficult to open an bank account, so do u recommand bitsafe as an option? looking forward for your reply
, have a good day.

Thanks a lot for the reply, i 100% need tips from you as i am still stuck at this level of payment etc.., can i have your email ID? so we can discuss in details about the business. Thanks again!

Thanks for the help i will look into it, i want to discuss with you on , how can we do that?

Thanks for your replies and as i can see staying anonymous is almost impossible as even though it will be possible if i create an offshore company in countries lile seychelles, BVI, banks will still require my personnal info.

But what about nominees as said by @crille30 ? is it guarenteed ?

Or do you guys think that the best option for staying anonymous at all levels is to go for a dark company?
hi, nice to meet you, how much does it cost for u to open an non residence company in uk?
Who do you want to be anonymous from? the bank? Or just from your neighbour googling your name and finding out you run a P**N / dating site?
Mainly from any unsatisfied customer, from my country's tax office also if possible. Sometimes when customers of my industry are not happy they do google names and also blacklist your name and company name on some forums.

hi, nice to meet you, how much does it cost for u to open an non residence company in uk?

Hi, it costs 150$ if i remember i know it is not more than 200$
Hi, it costs 150$ if i remember i know it is not more than 200$
I am also new to P**N industry, and i am also going to the same diretion as u do(open an offshore company) as what this post had mentioned , u can use transferwise only if u use a cover business, i am considering bitsafe or paxum(which pornhub is using).I can give u my review later. Do u want exchange contact so we can share infos constantly ?

Yes that is great, let's exchange contacts: send me a mail <<snipped>>
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