the two banks on rapidformation website are barclays and lloyds... when reading online reviews on them , reviews were not that encouraging.
Can you please recommend a good bank for an ecommerce website for an offshore london based company
both Barclays and Lloyds are good banks, but their doors are closed for you if you are not UK resident
If you want to find some advice here, you need to tell more about your business, countries of operation and your country of residence
anyway, EMIs (TransferWise, Paysera, MisterTango) shall accept your company in most cases
BulkSMS, so thats basiclly Spaming, you wont last long with any decent merchant, let alone with any proper bulk SMS provider.
what does spamming has to do with it... clearly you have no idea what youre talking about
Anyways regarding latvia and cyprus... are these banks safe? or should i worry about them taking my money and shutting down?
most of them are legit, but everything changes too fast nowadays, both Cyprus and Latvia had problems in 2018; also, all EU banks have 100 000 EUR insurance
good banks do not accept offshore business in 2019
As Samuel already said, you can try with banks, but you should also try with a EMI's, have several if it's possible, not keeping money in one place, and open merchant account with the PSP....