Question Moving to Spain with Family and concerned about Wealth Tax

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When star YouTube gamer ElRubius told his 39 million followers last month he was off to Andorra, Spanish national media condemned the move as cynical and unpatriotic

It's unpatriotic to not allow yourself to be robbed by the government?

These youtubers did the right thing and moved if they don't like the tax system in Spain .

Note to Spanish government:

Introduce a 30 year guaranteed resident non-domicile program with tax free Capital gains remittance into Spain and half the worlds elite, UK non-doms and affluent will be in Marbella the following Monday. The boast to your economy will be significant. There will also be no public services drain from these new comers as they are net contributors via indirect tax on their local consumption of goods and services. You would also undermine Gibraltars Category 2 residency program as a bonus .
I hold a Spanish passport. If you stay more than 183 days or close in Spain AEAT (Hacienda/Tax Agency) is famous for checking your cards, flight tickets and figure out something that works for them. See Shakira case 46M fine.
There are now apps by which you can track the amount of time that you spend in each country every year.
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Sounds good. Add selling of a limited number of passports / citizenships per year in an auction system / bidding and you undermine Malta as well. The new citizens can choose to either vote or be part of that new resident non-dom program.

The problem is that they want the exact opposite. They want (need) people starving on the streets to sustain their neo-feudal fascist state. And people still vote and will keep voting in favor of hunger and poverty. My fellow countrymen drink beer at 12 PM. Anything remotely intellectual, like using common sense, is of great pain. Spain has no future. It never had one.
Sadly I have to agree to this as I know Spain pretty well.
I also know many Spanish trying hard to make a living and working hard but it seems to bear no fruit in Spain. Intellectual is surely not the game in town and those who are very capable I met them in places like Dubai, Singapore, Hong Kong etc. where working and effort pays.
Damn this all sounds depressing for Spain .

Sadly. No wonder with their communist gov there. It is the same bureaucracy like in latam, but with the difference that many (most?) people want to try it seriously which is an effing joke. Also the absolutely very first thing they require you to do is basically getting a tax id lol.

I invested in a small venture in Spains tourism sector, luckily a small sum for me, but anyone can guess how much that dropped. Had we received bids on a somewhat regular basis, it went bidless now.

The worst however is all the people dependent on the tourist sector. They are not able to find something else easily when already some basic English is a challenge.
The same is valid for the UK, Italy and many other European countries. Including Germany and France. Just ask any IT entrepreneur where they would rather be.
That is true to a certain extent but I think Spain's case is the worst out of all. Spanish culture vilifies success, prosperity, entrepreneurship, and intellect... and it glorifies crippling taxation and birthrights.

It's a herd mentality that crashes to a wall every few 50 years or so. Then the lack of self-awareness impedes any growth opportunity from the previous failure... because nothing is ever their fault. It's a family-clan-herd mentality and a culture tailored for failure. At least in the UK people are a bit pro-business and individualistic to some extent.
And now in their infinite wisdom in 2020 they killed their best advantage.
Food, eating out and fiesta aka party non stop.
It sounds just like a certain minority group in the U.S. It is interesting how similar actions lead to similar results.
I have quite a bittersweet relationship with Spain.
Success you can just have as soccer player and reggaeton superstar. Whose lyrics actually help you conveying your thoughs to your typical local there.
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