Most tax efficient residence in EU: Bulgaria, Romania, Cyprus?

I believe that Slovakia also has some gems where one can live, but I must agree with the above, it is not a place I would immediately take my family to live. I would find other places and live with a higher tax.
I guess Prague would suit someone with a family better. Never spend long periods of time there, but whenever I visit the Czech's capital alone, or with friends/family we leave with happy memories.
Why 9%? Is this enforced by some kind of regulation?
You need to put a interest rate of the marked value, I don't think 9% is necessary however, then you are on the safe side.
how often do you have to get these documents and to whom ?
Best option is to rent a real cheap apartment outside Sofia; in some villages, prices can be as low as €150 per month. After renting the apartment, sign-up for internet and utility bills, and keep paying it in order to keep it active.

If you need help with it, ping me.
+1 for Bulgaria; also, after joining Schengen, as long as you keep producing documents (rent, utility bills), you can always keep residency while staying outside the country.
I guess that you have to find a way to have real consumption for your utility bills (to show someones lives there) to be on the safe side?
I guess that you have to find a way to have real consumption for your utility bills (to show someones lives there) to be on the safe side?
Workarounds for that too; but consider that internet and bills are always flat fees, and with agreements with apartment owner, is possible to have flat fees for utilities as well.
It depends, so many variables. For what you need an US LLC? Where's the managing based? Where's the "center of interests" of the company? And so on.
The idea would be to appoint a Bulgarian company as a member of the LLC. Hire a manager for the LLC in Bulgaria, an office... in short, a bit of substance.

Why the LLC? Easy management, anonymous (publicly), purely online sales. No physical goods. No presence in US.

If I needed an EU company I could still use the Bulgarian.
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PE in Bulgaria pays 10% CIT.
Basically you would need to register a branch office of LLC in Bulgaria. There is no WHT if you repatriate profits so 10% can be the total tax rate depending on your personal residence.
All accounting needs to be prepared according to Bulgarian regulations. It doesn't really change the management much compared to a Bulgarian company.