Moroccan's Sahara : 0% CIT 0% Income Tax 0% VAT

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NGL, a lot of "tax hostages" are really in despair to unchain themselves from the state's shackles & bondage and are desperately looking for an alternative. I can't even blame them. I got lucky and "unchained & fled" a long time ago when nobody was checking or paying attention and then "time paid my ransom". Out of sight, out of mind. Gone with the wind.
This can work if you're a local, like some people suggested above.

If you're a foreigner you'll just get scammed, have your accounts frozen, etc. and will have no recourse.

Of course, if we are talking about amounts you can gamble away and want to try a little adventure or experiment, and maybe learn a thing or two in the process, by all means proceed and keep us updated.
I think many that escaped are living in airport lounges most of which are behind immigration controls (unlike the US and Canadian ones). Hence, there is a need to incorporate somewhere.

Where are you now? PM me if you prefer.

Yes, I think this area is cheap and we can definitely hire some guys there to provide economic substance as a service and be the directors there.

@Forester is the Lifetime Gold Membership still available for a trial there?
I think many that escaped are living in airport lounges
Don’t they close at night?

This can work if you're a local, like some people suggested above.

If you're a foreigner you'll just get scammed, have your accounts frozen, etc. and will have no recourse.
Maybe yes, maybe not, we can’t know until we try.
Sometimes African people can be good businessmen, it’s not like you are Nigeried at every corner. But better to keep your eyes open because on average they are hungrier than you, therefore smarter. Laws of physics move money to the pockets of the smarter.
Reactions: jafo
Don’t they close at night?
The US and Canadian ones all close as far as I know. The ones in overnight airports (India, Armenia and the Middle East) have a lot of air operation between midnight and dawn. They are all open all the time. You can basically life there.

Haha, yes. That is definitely correct. Seems the people there are smarter than the Moroccan government.

Do you want to join me opening the company there?

@Sols @Forester Anybody from you in for a Gold Lifetime too?
Where are you now?
I "escaped" to Monaco before 9/11 even happened, so nobody cared or asked questions. Before 9/11 one could travel internationally with duffle bags full of cash and nobody would bat an eye. I was introduced to this guy: Jerome Schneider - Wikipedia in the early 80s in a college elective course entitled "Principles of Financial and Managerial Accounting". The professor was a big fan of Jerome and his books and since I already developed a distaste for "taxes" from a young age due to having "known" Anton Smeets, the founder of CITCO (look him up; I, and a few other European kids, mowed his lawn, took care of his pets, garden, and washed his cars for extra income), I was drawn to Schneider's books like bees to honey

After the financial crisis and then later the FATCA, AML, KYC, AEOI, and other BS and needing to come out of "retirement" because my clients couldn't get their orders fulfilled correctly, I added Zug to my additional "safe place". Later, I became more suspicious of the "controlled narrative" and went to create other backups for doomsday... (thankfully...this hasn't materialized yet and also I'm not ready...I'm maybe 10 years away)

Also, not having social media (in my own name) or engaging in ostentation of wealth and haute couture, I have remained obscure and under the radar.

PS. My cue in the 90s was when Schneider went on 20/20 in 1997. That was his final nail in the coffin!
Note: When possible, always use "alternative" methods of ID. Schneider gave up ALL his "clients" who bought his books and attended his seminars in a plea deal for a reduction of sentence. One of my many "multiple personalities" purchased his books and attended his seminars. So, luckily, by taking precautions, nobody ever knocked on my door Also, I NEVER EVER took anyone else with me. . It's like going to a brothel... you NEVER EVER want to go there with someone who knows your GF or wife
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@Forester is the Lifetime Gold Membership still available for a trial there?
Honestly – we had a short discussion on this but not completely finished, I think. I will re-open it; and someone will definitely revert here.
Do you want to join me opening the company there?

@Sols @Forester Anybody from you in for a Gold Lifetime too?
To tell the truth, it is not the game that I would like to join, at least not now. I perceive myself more like a retiree, so probably a little bit lazy But I agree that it can be an interesting adventure, especially (this I consider important) if someone speaks French (I do not) and is comfortable with travelling to this region (especially wrt climate – it is also not my cup of tea )
Reactions: daniels27 and jafo
We ( OffshoreCorpTalk )hereby declare that we distance ourselves from what has been written in this thread, and that neither a moderator nor the owners of the forum can or will participate further in the debate or become engaged in a project that may arise from the thread.

This thread solely provides information about a theoretical possibility of what could potentially be feasible and falls under the responsibility of each poster/user.

We value freedom of expression here at OffshoreCorpTalk. Therefore, I will keep the thread open to ensure we can monitor the discussion while also allowing everyone the opportunity to contribute.

Ultimately, we do not wish to engage in disputes with aggressive lawyers again over concerns that some content may be deemed inappropriate.
And just an amendment particularly re: “Mentor Group membership vs. a full report on the experience published here”.
We have dicussed this matter and have come to the conclusion that it is of the ultimate importance for OCT to keep the fully neutral status as the place of exchanging the information. Hence, it would not be in-line with this policy to make any incentive to incorporate anywhere (as well as to use anyone's service etc.). Of course, any report on the personal experience related to the topics discussed here is welcome (on condition it is respecting the forum rules) but OCT is not willing to influence contributors in any way...
Wait what... you guys angry at me now?
No way – do not worry...
You really have not done anything bad.
Sorry if you feel scared
what is the wrong with this thread! I would not like to work or live there but for people good with it they may have found paradise!
I think John Locke does not want to get sued by IRS for promoting tax evasion.

The thing is that no one on the forum promotes evasion of anything.

Here we are just chatting friendly about the legislation of different countries.

And in my case, every message I write on the forum is done under the influence of alcohol.

Does it also happen to you that when you are drunk you feel like come to OCT?
Reactions: cuno