Mister Tango s**t service

So they update their fees again your saying...lol? Can't see how they will stay in business with low risk clients only but wish them luck.
Does anybody know, if they accept new registrations? Are they back in service?
In the past there was a reminder, that there are some restrictions in on-boarding new customers.

That disappeared from the webpage, but there are no news about that.

Does anybody have any information, when withdrawals at bitmarket may be possible again?
Setup a Swedish account with them last week, no one told me anything and account is active. Only put small amounts thru them.
Reactions: Marie Manila
Does anybody know, if they accept new registrations? Are they back in service?
In the past there was a reminder, that there are some restrictions in on-boarding new customers.
I asked them last week. For personal account you can apply again and they will consider the application. Even if you already had an account, you have to go through signup and verification again and you will get new account and new bank number if you are approved.
Is the KYC different to one year before? Do you have to provide much more details?

Do I have to use a new mobile phone number and email address or can I reuse the old ones?
Especially the reusability of mobile phone numbers is important for me. I own only a few.
Why would you ever want to use them after such news is beyond me. Even if they fix their mistakes, because of their user base shrinkage and new pricing they will just bleed their current clients and shut down eventually. At this point it's just better to go to another EMI, isn't it?
So what is the latest status for Mister Tango and their new verification process?
That does not even matter so much anymore. Have you seen their "update" on pricing:


900 Eur/month for non EU countries as a maintenance fee?

1% in and out transfer fees for SEPA?

2% annual rate for balance fee?

This is just insane.

Clearly they are dying and just want to cash out with as much funds as possible.
I wonder how the f**k are EMIs and many banks going to operate in era of zero interest rates and anal-probe-level regulators.

They are basically saying "we don't want you as a client", how different the world today is compared to not that many years ago.
Reactions: extremedox101
Mistertango » Business

900 Eur/month for non EU countries as a maintenance fee?

1% in and out transfer fees for SEPA?

2% annual rate for balance fee?

This is just insane.

Yup its called legalized theft. They even charging that 1% SEPA fee for internal payments between msitertango users which is not even a real wire just a internal balance update....lol
Reactions: clemens and KJK
Reactions: Gediminas
It's simple. They have improved their customer support.
Reactions: JohnLocke