Migom Bank (Dominica)

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Dear Migom Bank,

I know you are seeing this thread....lol. Why don't you try coming on here openly and defending yourself like Eqibank did in below thread?

To me Migom Bank just seems to be Eqibank part 2 as they are a licensed bank in Dominica also with a bunch of credible front men but their background shows connections to Russia mafia. This might be different in your case however .

This bank should at least invest in some native English speakers to write these fake reviews

I thought the English was pretty good for a Russian
Hey. They can’t even provide you a direct IBAN. They give you only a sub-account in their system for 2500 EUR. Thus, payers must specify your company name in a reference message, not in a Beneficiary name field, Beneficiaries are their offshore and EU companies. So it’s a pretty weird “bank” solution.
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Gentleman, you obviously do not have an account with the Bank considering there is nothing in any reference line as crazy as it may sound people actually get their very own accounts, but it is understandable that without having an account open it is a guessing game. Also MIGOM BANK has absolutely nothing to do with MIGOM TRANSFERS, a Russian based entity that was shut down in 2014, which is very public information. Please do some research when making statements, There is no Russian Mothership, Dominica is still well respected for client privacy which private clients look for and Switzerland unfortunately can no longer provide that. Thanks, stay safe, talk to people with accounts...

Please don’t, Migom-newbie

I don't want to post my conversation with your manager where he confirmed that you don’t provide direct IBANs. Otherwise your team just don't know what exactly you're providing.

Also I have an example of client' bank details where mentioned that in the Beneficiary name field should be your companies - Migom Bank Ltd and Migom Investment SA.
Reactions: Martin Everson
Also MIGOM BANK has absolutely nothing to do with MIGOM TRANSFERS, a Russian based entity that was shut down in 2014, which is very public information. Please do some research when making statements,

lol at newbie on first post after joining today shilling for Migom Bank. Why does Migom Bank keep opening these fake user accounts to post on here. I mean who mentioned "Migom Transfers" to warrant talking about them....lol

There is no Russian Mothership, Dominica is still well respected for client privacy which private clients look for and Switzerland unfortunately can no longer provide that. Thanks, stay safe, talk to people with accounts...

So Migom Bank your trying to sell idea of banking secrecy in 2020..lol

P.S Everyone should 100% avoid Migom Bank just like the laundromat Eqibank on the same island and thank me later.
Reactions: Gediminas
Since you work for Migom Bank, why don't you just ask your boss if it's OK that you sign up as a proper, official, transparent representative of Migom Bank? That would look a lot better than all these fake accounts.

You're doing irreparable damage to the Migom Bank and risk creating a public perception as being a dodgy, unreliable bank or - worse - that Migom Bank is a scam or just another laundromat.

There is no Russian Mothership, Dominica is still well respected for client privacy which private clients look for and Switzerland unfortunately can no longer provide that. Thanks, stay safe, talk to people with accounts...
Did you start working for Migom Bank this week?
I have zero relationship with the bank outside of my accounts. The only reason I came across this post is due to trying to find a bank in HK that has a good reputation for a business that I just acquired and decided to do a name search... I found this wonderful GEM, thinking people wanted real input on real experience. It is bizarre that there are 3 or 4 guys bashing everyone but realized that most likely, any of the banks out there who don't pay you to promote them makes them crap. I tried using groups when looking for a good offshore bank to open an account in and although there are some good ones there are definitely more scammers out there.. So it is making sense now that anything positive is from a company who pays your bills... So anyone who wants to speak the truth is an insider, and no one opens a new account on these one way blogs which seems accurate since the world is just a bunch off full of crap liars if they don't believe in your Russian scams.. Seriously... If I were to guess you prefer he wonder banks in latvia that are very honest and can't wait to take people money.. Latvia has unfortunately checked that box on my list...
You are a new user with 5 out of 6 messages praising migom bank...make it less obvious
Reactions: Martin Everson
You are a new user with 5 out of 6 messages praising migom bank...make it less obvious

I don't think someone has taught Migom Bank how to do internet marketing via forums correctly. The guys posts are faker than a $6 bill.
Reactions: Gediminas
Hello Guys, received a proposal today for our company(FX firm) to open a corp account. After doing some research came to this forum and noticed that many of forums users whom not a Migom bank clients putting bad comments. Does anyone has a live corp account with Migom bank that can share with us experience and should anyone open future accounts or not and do they give actual DIRECT IBANS? Thanks.
Reactions: CryptoLove
Migon bank..2500$ for open accaunt??? for what? ops, sorry 2500 euro, not $.
Opening an account after pre-approve. By default, the bank provides a virtual iban. By agreement provides LT, PT IBAN
Price - 2500 EUR
Migon bank..2500$ for open accaunt??? for what? ops, sorry 2500 euro, not $.
Opening an account after pre-approve. By default, the bank provides a virtual iban. By agreement provides LT, PT IBAN
Price - 2500 EUR
Hi, should I contact the bank directly for the accounting opening or you have contact details of the bank agent, please advise.
Hi, should I contact the bank directly for the accounting opening or you have contact details of the bank agent, please advise.

I take it your desperate right? Thats the only explanation I can see right now for looking at Migom.
I have been contacted by this bank more than a couple of times by different people. It looks like they are desperately looking for new money sources. I got a feeling that I should pass this opportunity, I wouldn't recommend anybody to use their services since there are a lot of shadows around.
I can only say the same. They are very eager to find introducers, which is normal with new banks/EMIs but their methods are a little on the extra aggressive side. I've come across a few people using Migom Bank and they are all looking to move.

The only reported "upside" seems to be that they are very lenient when it comes to opening accounts, which just sounds like a disaster waiting to happen.

Avoid for now. Wait at least a year. See what happens.
Reactions: Gediminas
Forex33, I believe they are not a good solution..If you still want you can ask at it-offshore..in addition to dealing with the formation of companies, they also offer migon bank ... I would certainly be much more careful and listen to the advice of Gediminas and Martin Everson