Thank you for your interest in our services and more specifically the incorporation of a
Seychelles Licensed Mutual Fund. We will help you incorporate your
Seychelles licensed Mutual Fund quickly and easily without the hassle of trying to do it yourself.
You will find our Proposal including fees and information attached.
In the
Seychelles context a company which “collects and pools investor funds for collective investment purposes” must obtain a Fund license.
According to the Act a Mutual Fund:
(a) Means a company unit trust or partnership that collects and pools investor funds for collective investment purposes including hedge fund purposes or with the aim of spreading investment risks, and issues equity interests enabling investors in the mutual fund to receive or have the right to receive a portion of profits or gains derived from the investments, and
(b) Includes – (i) an umbrella fund whose equity interests are split or segregated into different funds or sub funds;
(ii) a hedge fund
The act later goes on to make it an offence for a
Seychelles entity to carry out such activity without a Mutual Fund license.
I believe what you have described probably fits within the definition of Mutual Fund. What do you think?
Alternatively you may be able to proceed instead as a Collective IBC without having to apply for a Fund license provided the investors cannot compel the company to redeem their shares. If the investors are to be afforded the right to redeem shares then the collective IBC will be licensable as a Fund.
I do have some queries meantime which I will need answered before I can tender a definitive solution:
1. What does the fund intend to invest in? What is it’s proposed investment/business strategy
2. What are the qualifications/experience of the promoters?
3. What’s the typical investor profile?
4. What promises have been made to or what indications have been or will be given to investors re likely rate and frequency of return?
5. Will the investors be able to redeem their shares if so how and when?
6. What is the preferred structure of the Fund (eg Company? Unit Trust? Limited Partnership?) and your client’s relationship to it?
7. Will your clients be pooling funds with the investors in the Collective Vehicle? If so what we could so is we could tailor the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Collective Company such that two classes of share are created (a) shares with full rights and entitlements (ie the promoter’s shares) and (b) shares with full entitlements but no voting rights.
Regardless of which way you go it would be advisable to have the investors sign an investment/share subscription agreement setting out the terms of the business deal between them and the company including for example:
• rights to returns etc (if any)
• the promopters ability to invest the funds
• the responsibilities/role of the promoters
• how share values are to be calculated upon redemption
So in short to move forward with a collective investment venture as planned you will need as a minimum:
1. A specially tailored Memorandum and articles of association
2. A specially worded investment/subscription agreement
3. (Maybe, I’ll need to some legal research on this) a shareholder’s agreement
4. A new IBC
I’ve taken the time to prepare a formal proposal for you and your clients to consider, see attached.
When you’ve had the time to read and digest let’s convene a conference call to discuss.