Martin, How do you relax?

@Martin Everson reading you have made me hypervigilant. I have been to doctor. He can't help me either so I am asking you how to relax everson style?

A calm and humble life will bring more happiness than the pursuit of success and the constant restlessness that comes with it." - Albert Einstein

As you may know relaxing is a state of mind linked to health an financial well being. Living an uncomplicated humble life is key. Being in the Bahamas and being able to spend time away from the struggle is the best relaxation possible. The beach chair or my balcony is my relaxation retreat.

Remember friends and possessions is one of life's greatest trapping. The more you have of either the less relaxed you will be mentally so reduce your circle. You can spend a life time kidding yourself that more money, a better car, a bigger house, bigger muscles, bigger dick or expensive clothes will make you happy. In the end you will realize Einstein was right .
more money,
True. Doesn’t apply to btc though.
a better car,
It depends what is your starting point.
a bigger house,
As above.
bigger muscles,
As above. More muscles = better health, up to a certain point. With a healthy sub 20% bf.
bigger dick
With a small one, your partner will not be happy, and this will make you unhappy.
or expensive clothes will make you happy.
Not directly, but will improve your looks.