Malta Company Bank Account EUR SEPA / IBAN

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No I'm not a MT resident.. forget to mention that I have several Ltd's in MT and existing accounts

Interesting. I hold personal accounts with most banks in Malta including Lombard so this came as a surprise as I am not a resident either.
All wanted utility bill or something similar, for company accounts incorporation documents, whats the company doing, UBO the usual stuff. All opened up pretty much instantly afterwards including for the Gib holding. One German bank declined, ABN AMRO was like either you got local substance in the netherlands or can proof some kind of connection to the netherlands AND we want 300 a month for account maintenance.
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I did not open up any local MT bank account. After the fuss that BOV made and the timeline (3months+ if you are unlucky) i didnt even bother especially again - setting up shop in Malta the point is 1) to not hold MT bank accounts and 2) its just batshit stupid to hold any kind of money in them. BOV i would be ok with no matter what people here say but still - why.
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which companies would you suggest for setting up a company in Malta?
we are going to deal with impoting-exporting goods from non-EU countries to Malta.
so it would be better if you suggest one good at trading.
Little update: Revolut after a couple tries (they didnt "get" that transferwise uses its own IBANs when sending out money and continured to request statements from those accounts as they showed as incoming funds to the Revolut Business accounts) finished the compliance checks without an issue. Supplied them with a couple invoices and transferwise incoming transfers statements (they simply wanted statements / invoices for larger incoming transfers in general) and then it was all good.

Processed about 500k through both now without any issue. Transfers usually in the 9-20k range per transfer.

Transferwise no issue so far either.
TW is used by many here on the forum including myself a few times. They are one of the most reliable services around.
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Yes they are locking thousands of accounts!! In my case i’ve 2 accounts revolut business and personal locked from more than 20 days!

it was interesting reading about your story! your whole structure is held by a Gibraltar private limited company and living in Malta as a non dom right?

Sorry if i post on this old discussion, who is the auditor in gozo to open bank account?
Hi, formed a Malta Ltd last month. Opened Bank account with Revolut and Sogexia. During a visit in Malta I opened an account with Lombard Bank. Bank of Valleta and Sparkasse Malta is in queue.

Hi Uscorp

How long you take to open lombard bank in Malta? And they are asking you for bank reference?

I read positive feedbacks online about them also about their speed to make bank transfer, i’ve a BoV account i know how slow are them to process a transfer if not pay 8€ for same day...
I stuck to transferwise + revolut business at the end + payoneer, now stripe etc for speading incoming USD payments out a bit. Also Interactivebrokers for storage but most simply goes out as dividends instantly and i only keep tax payments around in the company. Also CIM, that would be a true account but high costs. Frick that was mentioned here is useless for Malta imo. They flatout declined and this is as legit as it gets. Lombard used to open accounts but now you need local office + employees. BNF is supposed to but i dont really bother with local accounts.