LTC expectations?

Using LTC and BTC on / off whatever just fits, happy with both.
same here, no problems with both coins. If LTC ever hits 200 or 300$ again, I don't know, everything is possible at the moment in this world.

If it is does, hit me up I will buy you a lifetime membership and give it to you for free.
I would put 10M USD in LTC, I don't see the reason not too. Sure it's not get rich quick memo coin, but it's one of the safest cryptos and is certainly not going anywhere. It's old and has proved itself well. I'm using it for 10 years and never had any issues. Of course I wouldn't bet on it with all my money. But I wouldn't with BTC also. And clearly not with XMR.
Reactions: uplana
LTC is simple to use, light on fees, and makes purchases painlessly. Exactly what a cryptoCURRENCY is supposed to do. I like it for that reason.
exactly this, LTC is a cryptocurrency, a simple medium of exchange.
it has a simple code base, does not support all those bells and whistles created to confuse and scam people, that's why I prefer LTC over all those pump&dump scheme shitcoins like SOL, TRX, TON or ETH.
Reactions: uplana and cherry
You should have sold them buy 145$ as they were not to long ago!