Looking for PRO service in Dubai

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I used a local a friend was acquainted to... But I discovered that he was overcharging everytime by a factor of 3 + his service fee. He promised me to register to vat and failed to open my bank account. He was also wildly misinformed about vat laws for international customers. When I discovered this and stopped working with him he still send me an invoice for stuff like retrieving documents and Translate them (document I needed and never received from him). I renewed my license, opened a bank account and register as an XC company in a week time by myself.

Best thing, just go to the freezone you would like to register to and ask them. Some prefer pros while some other have an internal team to help you.

We used to need pro especially while the economic substance law and legal lawsuit like Pandora papers rendered the bank opening next to impossible without an insane amount of cash at hand. Now with EMI and WIO, bank account opening is not that hard and any good accountant will register you to vat and tax.
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