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Mar 2, 2024
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Greetings, im looking for some help in this hypothetical scenario:
-You get involved in BTC 10 years ago and got paid in BTC for what's basically affiliate marketing/advertising of sorts. For instance, you wear a signature here on this forum for some service (a casino, an altcoin project, a mixer, a miner, airdrops etc) and get paid in BTC for small amounts
-Got tons of small payments
-Do a bit of playing around in exchanges that no longer exist with trading
-Mined some old altcoins whose blockchains probably no longer sync and sold them
-Most of the funds are just coming from these small payments that just grew in fiat valuations as the price went up
-Most of the funds can be tracked to the addresses where you applied to get paid into, but some cannot be found anymore (for instance, you were paid within a website that no longer exists, forum post containing your address was deleted, etc)
-You have proof that you were involved in this since 10 years ago in the form of some emails of screenshots of early exchanges and in at least one you used your name but no KYC for the transactions maybe except a very small purchase in one
-You still have access to the accounts used to participate in these marketing/advertising activities, the website were the affiliate marketing/advertising took place still exists and your payments can be tracked there but there's definitely some information that got lost along the way and everything isn't fully traceable
-A small amount was mixed to pay as if you don't do this and pay someone you are revealing your funds to an stranger, but most isn't mixed, you were just trying to learn how utxos work as well, luckily a small % but just adds up to the mess of trying to trace everything to the penny from the start to the last payment
-The amount has entered 7 figures

Any ideas? Basically, legally obtained funds, but no KYC, been sitting there for years. The problem is how to be able to sell any amount you want and put it into a bank which can allow you to diversify in other assets (real state, stocks) and also how to deal with government/tax wise. You want to pay any required taxes and do things legally, you just want to reasonably not want to be labelled a criminal by default for being a pioneer in this technology and you just want to be able to leave this legacy to your family beside being able to enjoy some of it your self.

I have heard a lot of people in similar situations and there is never a clear answer. Im not sure if they solved their issue and just disappeared and didn't update their threads. Some included:

-Sell for cash in ATMs/p2p transactions: Not a solution, since you want to be able to diversify this money in other assets and ATMs and p2p you don't consider safe anyway.
-Buy stuff directly with BTC: I don't see how this solves the problem since they will ask you where this money came from. If someone is willing to accept BTC for real state, then I guess this bypasses the bank problem, but you still need to clear things up with the taxman, and it doesn't let you diversify in other assets.
-Sell it as cost basis 0 and they will not care: This seems like an huge gamble, and I doubt they will not care. There's also the exchange issue, many people get their funds lock in Coinbase for instance.
-Move to X location: If you had some reasonable guarantees then I guess it would be worth the try, but it's not clear that the banks and government are ok with this situation. For example, some people mention Dubai, however, I've found others saying Dubai banks are not crypto friendly. Others say Switzerland, explaining that the process was smooth, but you never know the exact situation, each case is different. I guess it also depends on your contacts, and you don't have that much to have someone mediate for you with a bank, and then there's also the gov aspect to it. Just imagine, you do the whole trip, plan things and so on, only to arrive and find out you cannot do it. You would need to know if it's viable before committing to that. There's also the fact that you cannot show up there with nothing but some BTC in a wallet I guess. Luckily you have some savings, enough to live from for some years without an income and you could put this money into dividend paying stocks meanwhile and try to survive with a very frugal lifestyle as you solve the situation, but do not meet your typical 1+ million investment on the country to get a tax residence requirements of many jurisdictions that may be interesting in this case, and ideally you do not want to move to places like SEA or South America. You would prefer some place in EU (as you would be already EU based in this example), but if there are 0 options there, then I guess you will need to do something, as you cannot just ignore this money there doing nothing forever and it gets increasingly absurd as the price increases and you are stressed with money problems as you need to help your family and pay for stuff when you have retirement money stuck there.

Those are some options that are mentioned. Others of course include other more exotic approaches like the use of companies, NFTs, swapping keys for freshly mined keys for a premium (this seems very risky) and whatnot, but you would want to not have to resort to that. It is insane how you are treated like some sort of criminal by default when you just did some affiliate marketing for small payments and now you are trying to cash out on this because the token you got paid on did a 60000%. There has to be a way to do this. There's more and more people with these stories out there and as the price increases we will continue to see more. Anyone reasonable would understand people in this situation want to pay taxes and do everything legally but it's only fair to worry about being labelled a criminal and end up with their money confiscated so they want to look for some guarantees that this can be done properly.

TL;DR: Hypothetical scenario in which you have low 7 figures of non-KYC legally obtained BTC which you want to be able to diversify in real state and other investments and be able to spend them so you can enjoy this wealth and your family can inherit it instead of it disappearing into the ether (and even if you passed them the wallet and somehow learned how it works they would face the same problem).

If anyone knows people that have solved similar situations please let me know and PM if needed.
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It is possible to cash out tax efficiently as well as eliminating the source of funds requirements and issues. However each case is different as each person's jurisdiction of tax residency plays a major role; how the crypto was accumulated plays a role and the risk apetite of the individual plays a role. So dont look for a simple answer but dind an advisor to do it with.
Crypto friendly banks will ask for wallets and transactions, been there, done that. I've mentioned this before and I'll type it again, even compliance departments are pissed of with these requirements, there's a lot of people involved with crypto who cannot provide txID's for a lot of their transactions.

I've made some profits with the dogwifhat token...imagine explaining that.

Back to your "problem", the NFT solution you mentioned is a good one, but you have to be careful you don't mess it up. Then you have P2P deals and lastly, just buy a bunch of random tokens now, wait for about a year and then sell when everyone is talking about it, lots of banks don't bother crypto bros during peak crypto activity (personal experience).
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Crypto friendly banks will ask for wallets and transactions, been there, done that. I've mentioned this before and I'll type it again, even compliance departments are pissed of with these requirements, there's a lot of people involved with crypto who cannot provide txID's for a lot of their transactions.

I've made some profits with the dogwifhat token...imagine explaining that.

Back to your "problem", the NFT solution you mentioned is a good one, but you have to be careful you don't mess it up. Then you have P2P deals and lastly, just buy a bunch of random tokens now, wait for about a year and then sell when everyone is talking about it, lots of banks don't bother crypto bros during peak crypto activity (personal experience).
Yeah, those are options I mentioned:
1) NFT: It's not clear to me how this would turn out in practice. I would need to hear first hand experiences. Indeed, one would need to be careful with utxos and so on. I am not familiar with this technology and consider anything but Bitcoin dodgy and unsafe, so you would need to learn how to do it. But still, from legal pov and so on, one shouldn't need to resort to such things, since you did nothing wrong, just collect some affiliate marketing money paid in BTC years ago, but what can you do.
2) P2P: This is discarded, not safe. Also, it just gives you cash, and too much risk there.
3) "Just buy a random token": Im not sure what you mean. By exchanging your BTC for anything, in this case tokens, you just add additional complexity. You are generating taxable events, which you would no longer have since everything has expired. You would also be exposing yourself to shitcoins, rugpulls etc. And you would still need to explain source of funds. This one I would avoid.

So far the NFT approach seems like the most reasonable one, but would need to see people that did it and how. Since it's not the same selling some NFT for a small amount, than 7 figures. And again, this has its risks, and it is unfair that someone that has done nothing wrong has to get the money back into fiat through these means when you did nothing wrong, but the people in power making the laws will force people to try to find alternatives since they are determined to not give a solution to those that obtain BTC through other means that aren't their official KYC exchanges (and soon this will be banned too, they will only allow you to buy through ETFs)

Interesting. We are again at the stage of ppl making bank, like in 2020/21. Time really flies and im getting old.

You can look up old threads here, there was a big exodus out of the eu and uae being one of the destinations back then. You will find what you look for there for inspiration.

I tried looking for similar threads but the most similar story I found was this guy:
As far as UAE, I have found posts like this:
For small amounts, none of them can be considered crypto friendly.

For larger amounts (seven figures per month), there are some that will listen. But it has to be a very clean, reputable exchange sending money to you and the SOF/SOW documentation has to check out. Approach the big local banks that offer private banking. But there's a chance they'll tear you apart and/or rip you off if you're not introduced by another Emirati and bypass the front desk staff.

Dubai is. Dubai banks aren't.
It is possible to cash out tax efficiently as well as eliminating the source of funds requirements and issues. However each case is different as each person's jurisdiction of tax residency plays a major role; how the crypto was accumulated plays a role and the risk apetite of the individual plays a role. So dont look for a simple answer but dind an advisor to do it with.

The problem is trying to find an advisor that knows about:
1) Bitcoin and it's technology
2) Finances, taxes and law on country of origin and destination
3) Has enough contacts to get around problems

How would one find such profile?

Just withdraw through the exchange(s) if clean.

KYC / AML only really kicks in if the transactions flag.

People are getting their funds trapped on Coinbase all the time. Just google "reddit coinbase froze deposit". And this is only the first layer. Suppose you get past depositing and withdrawing funds, you still need to convince the bank and your government that the funds are legit. Dealing with this is a nightmare to be honest, im not seeing any clear solutions.
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The problem is trying to find an advisor that knows about:
1) Bitcoin and it's technology
2) Finances, taxes and law on country of origin and destination
3) Has enough contacts to get around problems
It shouldn't be a problem to find a tax advisor or an accountant to help you get those funds taxed. There are plenty of good pieces of advice in this thread alone on getting a 'source of funds' for your existing cryptos if you don't already have it. With that in hand, you can go to an accountant and get help with getting your income taxed where you live.

If it's a significant amount of money, you might want to explore if there are other options for using them as equity in a company or something similar.
It shouldn't be a problem to find a tax advisor or an accountant to help you get those funds taxed. There are plenty of good pieces of advice in this thread alone on getting a 'source of funds' for your existing cryptos if you don't already have it. With that in hand, you can go to an accountant and get help with getting your income taxed where you live.

If it's a significant amount of money, you might want to explore if there are other options for using them as equity in a company or something similar.
I know some accountants and lawyers that have some experience with crypto cases, however, they will not tell you anything about going into another country, and they will not help with getting a SOF that's successful within exchange/bank/gov. I explained the SOF story on the initial post, the problem is, it is a gamble if the exchange/bank/government will be ok with what is presented.

The ones I know, will just help you paying taxes in the country you are at, as best as possible. They will tell you by default to get the funds taxed, they will not warn you of the risk of doing so, they are obliged by default to tell you to get the funds taxed, to just show up and get the funds taxed with whatever information you have, even tho sometimes there is more risk in doing so than looking for an alternative. They assume no risk and all liability is on the client anyway. So many people figured out sometimes it's not worth it and become stuck in this position.

I have no company at the moment. So it would need to be established for this purpose.
@cats I am almost at the same situation as you, also been in the bitcoin since 2013. bought mostly in cash (no other way really), maybe some trhough VirWox etc.
no way to provide txs from old extinct exchanges like mintpal, cryptsy and more.

SOF consultant that will sign as a lawyer also wants about 50k for that "paper" (crazy)

just sitting on it, don't know what to do.

one accountant i talked with 2017 bluntly told me "you should move to a different country"
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@cats I am almost at the same situation as you, also been in the bitcoin since 2013. bought mostly in cash (no other way really), maybe some trhough VirWox etc.
no way to provide txs from old extinct exchanges like mintpal, cryptsy and more.

SOF consultant that will sign as a lawyer also wants about 50k for that "paper" (crazy)

just sitting on it, don't know what to do.

one accountant i talked with 2017 bluntly told me "you should move to a different country"
We have successfully helped clients move crypto to a corporate structure, exchange it for fiat, or lend it back to themselves.
You can produce some documents legally without exorbitant fees and overcomplicating things.
For financial institutions, AML is an exercise where if they can not tick the box, they can not serve you, so you need to have some kind of paperwork.
We have successfully helped clients move crypto to a corporate structure, exchange it for fiat, or lend it back to themselves.
You can produce some documents legally without exorbitant fees and overcomplicating things.
For financial institutions, AML is an exercise where if they can not tick the box, they can not serve you, so you need to have some kind of paperwork.
Would love to hear more about it like what's the procedure, fees, limits
Would love to hear more about it like what's the procedure, fees, limits
No special fees, only standard fees for setting up the company and some legal fees for drafting documents. You might want to establish some economic substance to get better access to banking though.
The benefit is that you can convert the crypto to fiat on a corporate level and avoid personal tax liability this way + you get SOF.
Effectively when you move crypto to a company the director is liable to do AML due diligence on you, but you can be director and shareholder yourself, or structure it in a way that no-one is liable.
@cats I am almost at the same situation as you, also been in the bitcoin since 2013. bought mostly in cash (no other way really), maybe some trhough VirWox etc.
no way to provide txs from old extinct exchanges like mintpal, cryptsy and more.

SOF consultant that will sign as a lawyer also wants about 50k for that "paper" (crazy)

just sitting on it, don't know what to do.

one accountant i talked with 2017 bluntly told me "you should move to a different country"
Haven't heard these names in years. Should bring vietnam flashbacks for anyone that has been here for a minute. Many lost some money there.

In your case, is probably more complex as the one I described when it comes to cash transactions. In the case I described, I can at least point to some transactions by pointing to the receiving addresses that still exist on the website. But some of the funds will not be able to be traced back. There's also the fact that one did business with people that are basically unknown under a nickname, no tax id number, no billings etc. So it is of course complex to get this money back into the fiat circuit to diversify into investments and spend it. In practice, I think it's all the same. Unless you have Coinbase KYC type ins and outs receipts it's not going to be smooth sailing with the bank and taxman.

Ideally, one shouldn't even need to sell the BTC, but find a way to get yield from it, but I guess we are too early for this. And it will still be a problem when it comes to SOF so that has to be solved one way or another anyway.
Haven't heard these names in years. Should bring vietnam flashbacks for anyone that has been here for a minute. Many lost some money there.

In your case, is probably more complex as the one I described when it comes to cash transactions. In the case I described, I can at least point to some transactions by pointing to the receiving addresses that still exist on the website. But some of the funds will not be able to be traced back. There's also the fact that one did business with people that are basically unknown under a nickname, no tax id number, no billings etc. So it is of course complex to get this money back into the fiat circuit to diversify into investments and spend it. In practice, I think it's all the same. Unless you have Coinbase KYC type ins and outs receipts it's not going to be smooth sailing with the bank and taxman.

Ideally, one shouldn't even need to sell the BTC, but find a way to get yield from it, but I guess we are too early for this. And it will still be a problem when it comes to SOF so that has to be solved one way or another anyway.
Since you're a fellow "veteran" you'll probably also remember the non-stop talks about how bitcoin was "fungible". i guess eventually this wasn't true.
Maybe when its more valuable people will just want to buy it no matter the history. (1 btc = 1btc?)
Since you're a fellow "veteran" you'll probably also remember the non-stop talks about how bitcoin was "fungible". i guess eventually this wasn't true.
Maybe when its more valuable people will just want to buy it no matter the history. (1 btc = 1btc?)

Well even if it was impossible to attach a premium or a discount to a particular address, you would still have the problem of SOF once you try to cash out. Also it would only make things more complex, for instance Monero would be what you call fungible, which got delisted in most exchanges.
They will tell you by default to get the funds taxed, they will not warn you of the risk of doing so, they are obliged by default to tell you to get the funds taxed
Interesting who are they?

I would think that as long as you can document that the money comes from affiliate marketing or even from gambling, then they should be clean and you can tax them. If nothing else, I'm sure you would be able to buy something with the cryptocurrencies you have and then sell the item over time for FIAT.
Yeah, those are options I mentioned:
1) NFT: It's not clear to me how this would turn out in practice. I would need to hear first hand experiences. Indeed, one would need to be careful with utxos and so on. I am not familiar with this technology and consider anything but Bitcoin dodgy and unsafe, so you would need to learn how to do it. But still, from legal pov and so on, one shouldn't need to resort to such things, since you did nothing wrong, just collect some affiliate marketing money paid in BTC years ago, but what can you do.
2) P2P: This is discarded, not safe. Also, it just gives you cash, and too much risk there.
3) "Just buy a random token": Im not sure what you mean. By exchanging your BTC for anything, in this case tokens, you just add additional complexity. You are generating taxable events, which you would no longer have since everything has expired. You would also be exposing yourself to shitcoins, rugpulls etc. And you would still need to explain source of funds. This one I would avoid.

So far the NFT approach seems like the most reasonable one, but would need to see people that did it and how. Since it's not the same selling some NFT for a small amount, than 7 figures. And again, this has its risks, and it is unfair that someone that has done nothing wrong has to get the money back into fiat through these means when you did nothing wrong, but the people in power making the laws will force people to try to find alternatives since they are determined to not give a solution to those that obtain BTC through other means that aren't their official KYC exchanges (and soon this will be banned too, they will only allow you to buy through ETFs)
I might know someone who has tried the NFT route, it's not complicated at all if you know what you're doing. Point is, don't overcomplicate it.

P2P is very safe, there are sites which serve as escrow and make millions doing so, chances of them exit scamming while your money is in a trade are very low, and you get cash in your bank account.
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