List of EMI that are/aren't related to the Russian mafia

What's your problem with the Russian mafia?
And why does it matter to you who washes / launders your money?
Look at HSBC, Deutsche and all the others - I am sure many of the RU controlled EMI's have higher ethical standards!
Would be great also a nice list of banks don’t owned by Jewish, wouldn’t be? Whenever you come up with one, please let me know.
Seriously, what a xenophobic thread...
It's not about ethnicity, race or religion. This is a forum about offshore world hence mainly business. Nobody here cares about who you are and where you come from, what is important is MONEY and whether it's safe somewhere or not. You may not like it but countries aka crime organisations are the real oppressors and discriminators - not the business people.

What's your problem with the Russian mafia?
And why does it matter to you who washes / launders your money?
Look at HSBC, Deutsche and all the others - I am sure many of the RU controlled EMI's have higher ethical standards!
The problem is that banks have been there for longer and have deeper connections with the governments as well as huge sums to wash that Govs benefit from. EMIs are comparatively smaller players and can be easily shut down especially if any detail in an EMI isn't of some country liking such as Russian ownership.
What's your problem with the Russian mafia?
And why does it matter to you who washes / launders your money?
Look at HSBC, Deutsche and all the others - I am sure many of the RU controlled EMI's have higher ethical standards!

The problem is not their russian connection. The problem is that a small laundromat always gets 1) Shut down by the feds or 2) The owners make a run for it with everyone's money. The advantage is that they tend to accept anyone, big money or small money, the point for them is to get the deposits rolling. The large laundromat (HSBC & Co) will be too big to take down by the feds, but the inconvenient is that they cherry pick their clients as they are not looking to serve clowns with small time thug money.

An EMI will f**k you over sooner or later, that's why i don't bother with them. I'd rather bank with proper on-shore banks and avoid these issues. Over the years i found that hiding in plain sight is the method of choice for big time criminals, that's why only 2% of tax evasion is done with blacklisted tax havens.
You are right, of course, but using a big money scheme demands you having big money. And if you do... Well, I can hardly imagine Don Corleone rummaging through OSCT to look for a proper money laundering scheme He will just hire a consigliere for that.
Reactions: Sir Gelato
Technical limitations of this forum doesn't allow to publish such a list.
A message should be at least 30 characters long.

You need to explain that!
Yeah that joke was

Maybe someone can point out some clean reliable russian controlled EMI's. Maybe there is more than just one out there we can use

As if a nationality mattered.
AdvCash - related to Russia somehow. Trustworthy? Yes.
PayPal - not russian but ... American. Trustworthy? Read about numereous bans of accounts for no reason.

There're thousands of examples of each side that both prove and dispove your point.

Why don't create a list of EMI based on the zodiac name of their CEOs?

EU and US don't like uncontrolled flow of Russian money and EMIs controlled by Russians will always be a target.

If EU and US don't like ... and therefore they're target... Where did you get that conclusion? How does that matter what US and EU like? They may not like many things. Some other countries may not like EU and US, so what?

And give me examples. But not only the examples that prove your points but also the ones that dispove it. Namely, how many russian ones have been shut down because "EU and US don't like a flow of russian money"? How many have not been shut down dispite of a said flow?

And how many non russian one have been/not shut down?

And by whom?

So many conclusions made out of thin air.
Reactions: LisaSimpson
Seriously, I'm trying to solve an opposite problem now. I NEED a Russian controlled EMI because only with them there is a chance to receive a plastic card in Russia. No genuine EU-based EMI will send a card to Russia. And I don't see any thus far.
ePayments card was ideal, I'm even willing to take risks it bears as I never have more money in my e-wallet than I'm willing to spend in the nearest future. But I just don't see any now.
Seriously, I'm trying to solve an opposite problem now. I NEED a Russian controlled EMI because only with them there is a chance to receive a plastic card in Russia. No genuine EU-based EMI will send a card to Russia. And I don't see any thus far.

You tried NAGA
Seriously, I'm trying to solve an opposite problem now. I NEED a Russian controlled EMI because only with them there is a chance to receive a plastic card in Russia. No genuine EU-based EMI will send a card to Russia. And I don't see any thus far.
then move to some other country for some time and order a card from there

a russian EMI - YooMoney, ex Yandex.Money
I actually live in Russia, so I don't need russian-based EMI's. I have plenty of normal bank accounts here
What I am looking for is a NOT Russian-based EMI willing to send cards to Russia. So that I don't need to worry about CRS reports, that's it.