List of EMI and Digital Banks

You think this is not getting reported because it is not a bank?
Thanks are they better compared to LeuPay? awesome post by the way!
Reactions: Mohawk
You think this is not getting reported because it is not a bank?
hi lavel
quite not sure about the reporting part as some of these EMI's state that they report consolidated amounts as per regulations rather than individual amounts held by each person, but given its a EU company running it and within the SEPA area banking (Germany) it is a possibility on the reporting part
perhaps you would want to contact them directly to be sure or if you read the terms and conditions in detail it might be mentioned
Reactions: lavel and negon
Thanks are they better compared to LeuPay? awesome post by the way!
hi hofo
some EMIs offer different products/services
leupay offers IBAN, banking and also a debit card linked to the account and you can have a number of debit cards linked to the same account
viabuy is only card (each card has a dedicated IBAN)
both work and have been tested
it really matter what you are after if its just a card then go for viabuy if its more then leupay offers that compared to viabuy
Reactions: negon
I'm working with advance cash on a business account so far it all seems to go fine. Personal account was great and easy to setup.

Any idea if they accept bitcoin trading companies?
I presume AdvCash will open corporate account for offshore entity but type of business is questionable.
Shoot them a ticket, I always get replies almost within a few hours. They are in the same business so chances they accept it is good.
Thank you, I did and they told me the exact same as you did! Seems they don't want to tell what they report or I'm just paranoid and don't trust what they tell me
Reactions: Mohawk