List of EMI and Digital Banks

With European company much better a standard account... maltese is not that relielable at the moment!

Question about a more recent experience with MisterTango registration. I am particularly conflicted on this part. "In order to fully activate the account you need to send funds from another bank account (with the same company name) and once funds deposited the account is fully operational". This seems like a "chicken & egg" problem, how can I send money from a company bank account when I am trying to setup a company bank account for the first time.

Does anyone have any suggestions around this? Or perhaps recommend another EMI?
Be aware that EPayments use Rietumu as their backend.

Is Rietumo that bad?

Try with transferwise
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Is it true that advcash works with SEPA transfers only?

I have also learnt that Worldcore works only with SEPA. A universal EMI with SWIFT transfers and smooth KYC procecedure is hard to find.
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DEK-CO (UK) " known as " is bound, in accordance with the laws of United Kingdom, to observe secrecy and confidentiality with regards to all information which Client discloses to the Payment Institution about the Client (“Secret Information”). However, DEK-CO (UK) is authorized and required by the laws of United Kingdom or international laws to disclose “Secret Information” all the time in full Terms Of Service and Privacy Policy.
Reactions: cosmo
There is no EMI that don't have to comply to the rules of money laundering and financing of terrorism! Forget it, they will report you one way or another, if they say so or not, you get reported!