List of Banks, EMI's, Payment processors and BTC to FIAT institutions.

This is unknown but I would say potentially not as brokers are trying to move away from the 3rd party inbound payment model

if you find out do let us know though
Depends on what you are looking for blueweb there are many fx brokers out there that offer similar services to them it’s just finding the right fit for your requirements etc
What about simple stock trading in European companies, is there any EMI that offer it?
If you’re looking to trade stocks that’s a different speculative sector and I can’t think of any EMI that has stock trading facilities plus payments as they are two completely different licences
Reactions: Spinat
Can someone tell me analogue of Paysera, so that it could accept different types of e-currencies + Paypal + Credit cards and could accept account opened for offshore IBC?
Or just analogues to know for the future, since one day we are going to change offshore IBC to UK LLP
Thank you
Reactions: JohnLocke
I would say you should open a new thread for this question to get more answers specific to your question.
hello, I just got an email from some of the newsletters I am subscribed to.

NEW BANK SOLUTION that is currently Available For High Risk Clients.

1. Deltec Bank & Trust Limited (Deltec)

Remote Bank Account opening
Faster cross-border payment transactions
Adequate compliance
Blockchain Banking
A tax neutral platform – with no income, estate, inheritance or capital gains tax, and no restrictions on the repatriation of funds

2. Stern International Bank
Remote Bank Account opening
Quick application procedure
Multi-currency deposit accounts
Assistance by Dedicated Relationship Manager
Faster cross-border payment transactions
Trade finance services

anyone try those or heard about them ?
@Martin Everson may shed some light on Deltec, as I believe he lives in the same Moon-roads island?

lol...I might take my lunar roving vehicle and visit when im back there.

It used to be a non-resident bank i.e offshore bank 10 years ago or something but has now become a resident bank I believe. Sorry but Bahamas has over 90 banks or so and I have never really heard much of this one.
Guys, I read this thread 4th time in my life.
I tried find good solution for business bank account (UK LTD) to buy bitcoins without funds freezing.
But only Advcash is reliable.... anyone have better solution (TW is not a good solution).

What about bitwala? Someone in this thread wrote that bitwala provide individual business IBAN. Can I topup this IBAN from 3rd party or from or barclays? I'm afraid that after transfer to exhcanges such like bitwala, xapo, exmo my bank account will be locked.

Any good, reliable and stable solutions?

I use Bitwala regularly. Never had any problems. But I never tried to load 5 digits.

I like them very much!

P.S. I load it only with btc, so not sure about 3rd party transfers.
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