Leupay block account if receive money from Paypal?

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If you don't have any balance on your account it's not possible to withdraw money. I.E paypal can't process the small amount they charge on the card!
Hi. I'm reading the discussion but I still don't get it... so two simple questions:
1. Can you add (link) this card or eventually IBAN into your Paypal account or not?
2. Can you withdraw money via it or not?

Here's a bonus question (which is not that important at this moment, but it would be nice to know):
- In case these things work... Can anybody tell me what's going on with taxes? Let's say I have a "donation" button on my site... do I have any kinds of responsibilities?
Reactions: Freewilly
Greatings to all i will like to ask is it possible to open a Leu personal account in every country..?? precisely in Africa ( cameroun )..? Am really interested in knowing if it can be done.
Try Mister Tango, maybe that's what you are looking for.
My main problem is that i want to intergrate paypal or strip on my e-commerce website ( Wordpress ) which is base in the US in other to receive payments but i am living in Africa ( Cameroun ). And from what i have notice in order to setup a business paypal account i need to send them some documents that will prove am settle in that country. I really want to setup both Credit cards and paypal on my website for transactions. I had a look how people are setting up Business paypal account on youtube which is quite easy, But not sure about that path.
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