leave money to corporate bank account

Yes that is totally right, how does this differ from a onshore bank account in any other bank and a Cyprus bank?
Reactions: Volex
But, Wenoff, if you are looking to minimize risk when it comes to banking, may I suggest that you take a look at Euro Pacific Bank that is a so called 100% reserve bank. This means that they do not lend out or "play" with your money as the the usual banks do. I would feel much more comfortable to leave my money in that kind of a bank. This kind of banking does however mean that they have to take some higher fees on most services and the eventual interests you may earn will be very low. You may look into their gold backed account as well. I am not an expert in either offhsore banking or offhore corps, merely a newbie, but I share your concern on this. Very few banks, offshore or not, are sound and safe these days.
Reactions: negon
Sebra what banks are you using?
I am not there yet For the moment, I consider several set-ups for offshore corp. Euro Pacific Bank is the bank I will prefer to go for if I finally decide to go offshore. I do not think my business will have a lot of activity in the very beginning so the fees will not bother me too much. If so, I just add WorldCore and similar e-wallet solutions to the mix.
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