Le Pen winning the france election?

There was much less difference between Le Pen and third candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon, just 400.000 votes, then Macron and Le Pen, and his party will vote for Macron in second round, like the forth candidate also. So, only if the people decide the are not voting at all, then Le Pen have a chance. Every other solution, no way. P.S. I am not French, just person who is interesting in politics.

You forgat Le Pen had given big part of her votes away to other more radical competition which didn't existed in 2017 so you can instantly add a +10% to her votes.
Also melenchon voters are ANTI macron and being asked already 1/3 said they are going to vote for le pen instead of macron and majority to abstain.
Now you have no more republican block blocking le pen by voting for macron because they nearly lost all their voters.

Don't get fooled that macron has a bigger advantage than in 2017.
The realistic vote result would be 27.8 vs 33.1 for le pen would she not give more radical votes away to competition which didn't existed in 2017 and no more republic block which would vote for macron
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Yes, as I said, if they decide not to vote, then she's got a chance. But, socialist will vote between two of less evil, let say like that. Especially people who has right to vote, and they are from former French colonies. But, we shall see.
Macron is pretty sure to win, france is held by boomers and they will vote for macron in large majority, also melenchon the freemason said to not vote for lepen and he is talking with macron since sunday to maybe make an alliance.
Macron is pretty sure to win, france is held by boomers and they will vote for macron in large majority, also melenchon the freemason said to not vote for lepen and he is talking with macron since sunday to maybe make an alliance.
you're probably right, however France is in such a deep s**t and speeding up dramatically on the way to hell which makes wonder what else has to happen to open the eyes of French
anti globalist working with globalist macron ?You really think people will follow macron after all the BS he made in france ?
They don't like him, but even less like Le Pen, simple as that. They will "close their noses with their fingers" and give vote to Macron. Le Pen is not extremist like her father, but still her views are not so attractive for most of the French voters.
Le pen has more common points to melechon followers than macron.Macron is the clear enemy of melechon voters.
The old trick how macron will do won't work anymore since people already saw the last 5 years what he did.
He is clearly the total opposite of melechon and more important represents the elite group which are the enemy #1 of melechons followers where le pen adds many points
which melechon followers agree.

Other than that where else can macron get votes from ?Nothing left as all the other groups which would support him lost all their voters.
French double turn exists to make the apparatus “chosen” candidate a winning bet, thanks to the differences between real right and left. Melenchon and his voters most probably will abstain or vote Macron just to piss off Le Pen.
Ps I’d really like a change, but…
people who voted for melechon were on the streets fighting macron and the police
Voting for him just to block le pen won't be like in 2017 were all united
people who voted for melechon were on the streets fighting macron and the police
Voting for him just to block le pen won't be like in 2017 were all united
Maybe your right (edit to add: I hope so!) but i take the experience of previous elections, left always abstained or directly supported the anti-right candidate.

great interview about the small pool which is for macron left
new german generation heh ?

the emotionless reality looks like this unfortunately
View attachment 3475

however less probable events happen every minute - let's hope
You make money on these idiots.
Seriously when i bet for trump where nobody gave him a chance i made 1:8
On Brexit i made 1:12 and a killing on shorting GBP
and on Le Pen i;m going to make 1:7.5
These p2p odds represent mass media information and not reality

I remember back in brexit a broker moron telling his followers to bet on non brexit because odds are so clear that there is no chance of brexit.Many got rekkt for life because they bet with leveragel on GBP

btw did i mention that i don't belive in free votings but claim they are all rigged depending on the agenda ?
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