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Yeah that's my concern. Juni opens business accounts only.

I was thinking about Revolut Bank too, since they can offer the limits I need but they tend to freeze everyone......
My experience with Revolut is limited to a small EE company. Everything runs smoothly but it is so small (50k € per year) that it shouldn’t be considered in the statistics. Because of their reputation I do not attempt to do anything else with them.
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After 2 business days my 2 (out of 3) Juni accounts are still blocked.

This is what they told me:

I can see that my colleagues Vanessa and Mayra have provided your documentation to the review team and they are now working on reviewing that. The review should look to be concluded today, or tomorrow, latest. I have made sure to clarify it should be resolved ASAP. Thank you for understanding.
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It looks promising to be honest. Best of luck mate !!!!!
Insanity... this has looked so promising from their website..

Like no spending limitation, plat level visa cards and see how they are...
Well... a quote from their T&C's (emphasis mine):
Juni Technology AB is a limited company with registration number 559248-0908, and its registered address is Kungsportsavenyn 21, 411 36 Gothenburg, Sweden. We offer our services in the UK as a distributor of PayrNet Limited, a company incorporated and registered in England and Wales with registration number 09883437 and whose registered address is at Kemp House, 152 City Road, London, United Kingdom, EC1V 2NX, a company authorized by the Financial Conduct Authority under the Electronic Money Regulations 2011 (register reference 900594) for the issuing of electronic money. Juni Technology UAB, a limited company with registration number 305664054, and its registered address at Upės str. 23, 08128, Vilnius, Lithuania, offers our services in the European Economic Area as a distributor of UAB “PayrNet”, a company incorporated and registered in Lithuania with company registration number 305264430 and whose registered address is at Giruli ų str. 20, 12123 Vilnius, Lithuania, a company authorized by the Bank of Lithuania as an electronic money institution (license number 72, issued on 28 August 2020). More information about PayrNet Limited and UAB “PayrNet” is available in the Payrnet FAQs.
Do you really consider this promising? (OK, but promising what ... )
They basically are a whitelabel of Payrnet, which is a subsidiary of Railsbank. Nothing out of the norm.
I wanted to express that in my eyes, Lithuanian EMI's are not very trustworthy – in general. (It is pretty possible that there are some trustworthy, there is really a lot of such EMI's; but without a founded analysis I would not commend to such EMI a penny. But maybe I am wrong, anyone's mileage may vary.)
Meanwhile 3 days + the weekend passed and my accounts are still blocked.
Good luck!
Reactions: jjrapy
There will be no answer as they made an aml report of some description and then timescales vary depending on what happens next. If no reply to the report from the regulator it should be fine to withdraw the money to the same named beneficiary account somewhere else …..
aml reports don’t cause accounts freezing.
Yes, they do/can. Once an SAR/STR is submitted, the account will remain closed until a decision is made to reopen the account or return the funds to the senders. What exactly happens depends on the details of the case. The authority to make that decision lies with the regulator, law enforcement, or the financial institution's MLRO/MLCO, depending on how far along the process it is.

The financial institution is unable to provide any details about the case, as doing so would be tipping off and AML laws specifically prohibit that.

It's a rough spot to be in but well within the law.
They can do whatever they want, but they are not required to freeze an account for that. I have gone through this process many times with other banks.

Quoting from the link: “the law “does not require the suspicion to be ‘clear’ or ‘firmly grounded and targeted on specific facts’ or based upon ‘reasonable grounds’”.”

The accounts were blocked 24 hours after I made a balance transfer, as previously agreed with Juni.
I have a third account with them, which I used in a similar way to one of the other 2, which is not blocked.

Just received this message from the Lithuanian lawyer:

By AML law EMI (banks and etc) can freeze assets not longer than 10 days
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listen all we can do is to point out the law, how it applies to you is whatever your situation is and how much you piss off these people.....

your lawyer is probably right in the 10 days issue UNLESS there is a decision to take it further. In the UK its 7 working days, after which its the 31 days the moratorium period. WHatever the law is, is the law, unfortunately we are all guilty till proven innocent. AS you indeed say;

Quoting from the link: “the law “does not require the suspicion to be ‘clear’ or ‘firmly grounded and targeted on specific facts’ or based upon ‘reasonable grounds’”.”\

ANYTHING goes - just anything, even the thought of not paying your taxes. Think along the lines of Minority Report, EVEN the bank thinking you MIGHT HAVE A THOUGHT be doing something wrong is already enough.

"It wasnt me" -> does not work with banks as they are the unpaid police officers of the state these days.
The law doesn’t say a bank MUST freeze the account, only that it CAN. There is no reason to freeze an account that was used according to the bank’s own specific instructions.

By sharing this information I hope that people with genuine business will not use Juni, and those who need to launder money will use them in the best possible way and take advantage of the psycho monkeys working in their compliance department.
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The law says that a bank will be equally criminal liable if they do not freeze an account unless they get the go ahead from the regulator . This has nothing to do with terms and conditions - it’s about what the money represents , what you doing with it or indeed if you financing illicit activities . Any tax evasion is also candidate for this freezing…

You might have received it from a company where the shareholder is mr I. Sis.

You keep sticking your head in the sand here….
I'm afraid you're right.
I am resident in Italy, I pay taxes in Italy, sent them my tax returns.
Clean criminal background, sent them criminal certificates from 3 different countries.
The company is audited, sent them 8 years of audited financial statements.
Money comes from same company account with a big bank, details of the transfer agreed with Juni before executing it.
Outgoing transfers all to legit VAT registered EU companies supported by invoices, all sent.

Tell me where you see risk or smell in all this.

Btw I have an ongoing lawsuit with another bank where I am claiming 650k$ in damages. That’s a good reason for not freezing my accounts or not opening one at all.
I will not let them go unpunished.
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