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Is this Valid Set Up to Trick CRS/AEOI or Dumb ?


Active Member
Apr 22, 2020
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I hold for years a "quiet" or "almost dormant" account in one onshroe jurdiction, now newly CRS this year 2025.
The bank never asked me much, and account was open with a passport not any more valid and out of date due renewable passoport with new number of identification.
Lately they asked to complete their Certfication Form with the outdated passport, to complete my country of residence and TIN.
Which I did, also and giving me some time to think about situation/solutions.

Can I trick the end of year AEOI and avoid infos to be linked to my actual TIN and tax country by performing :

1) I apply for one new ID card with the Palau ID program. Once obtained, newly re-declare to my bank the updates about my new Palau ID and "adress".
My new TIN number will be the same as the Palau ID card .

Dumb ?


Subsidiary solution
2) transfer by Swift some or all the funds, via a trusted third party to provide a lawyer of clouds, to safe friend's account located in SEA ( => I don't want to leave tracks of the funds from origin to final recipient)
The Bank junridicitionin SAE is already CRS for already 6 full years. But never care to ask my friend to fill any Certfication From to decalre TIN or tax residency.
My safe friend did not declare this account in her tax jurdicitions. But he did for another one located in the same juridiciton in SEA.
After 6 years, it appears he was never reported of any kind in her tax juridiction.
=> of course any of those 2 SEA bank could some day wake up and claim to fulffil Certification Form to request TIN and more.
=> this safe friend is not tend to hold accounts in this SEA juridicition, because by local law he must be temporary or permanent resident but he's never been.
=> both accounts work fine in local currency, Euro and Dollar for now almost 10 years.

3) any trick or suggestions from you guys are welcome.

We are not in Crypto. Neither of us can move abroard this year to set up physicaly any type of new abroad non Crs or low tax residency.
We can eventualy quickly go with a tourist visa to Serbia in search of new bank account in Serbia.
Thanks to all for your eventual participation of any kind.
Lately they asked to complete their Certfication Form with the outdated passport, to complete my country of residence and TIN.
Which I did, also and giving me some time to think about situation/solutions.
You should have ignored that request until they firmly threat you with account closure and deadline, which would maybe never have happened. Too late.
@ Mercury :
good, good advise. I was too busy with higher priorities the last months to face "beeing threated firmly by bank".

@ Daniels 27 : "
"hey probably already reported to the authorities".
No, not yet, too early ... They haven't yet done in my case, or in this juridiction.

@ W Wish
"What is the actual problem you are trying to solve?"
Eventually severals
1) avoid to be highly taxed on the total amount held on this account non declared in my home country, in case I get strictly reported by the AEOI.
2) eventually declare spontaneously my account to my tax office (I don't have to declare the balance - just the details of account), and this to be done months before the AEOI report.
In case of inquiry after my spontaleous declaration, and or, after the AEOI , with a yearly permanent balance below 50K euros (•my case•) the tax office is more indulgent, sometimes not caring much, even not taking any action (that is writen in my taxe code).
2) eventually temporaly (1-2) years trick the bank to avoid them to report in my home country. Time to setu up plan B.
3) transfer the funds to another location, or person name, to avoid most of tax hasseles or disclosure.
4) As Daniels27 wrote : tax evasion the legal way for funds already old
5) Best avoid my home country to know anything about it

Maybe I am a dreamer, you'll tell me !
@ikan what are the jurisdictions you are talking about? I will never understand people asking for info and being so vague it's not like anybody can trace you if you say the country you are talking about.

If you are talking about Thailand, yes this year they started sending AEOI/CRS forms
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