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is it possible to bank a day trading UAE FZ company

Would it be possible to open a company for example in UK or EU for day trading from UAE provided you will pay all taxes (+salary) to yourself as a natural person uae resident ? (Then it cangive opportunities for emi and banks)
Uae has a system of licence so I wonder if it allows that

The way I see it:
If you're trading ONLY your own funds - why would you need a company?
You do not offer this as a service to anyone.
You're not a fund manager.
You just manage your own money.
While this may seem logical for let's say an american it's not proper financial/ estate planning for other nationalities. In terms of stocks, let's say you have millions of dollars in your personal name & you pass away you'd be liable to pay US estate taxes of 40% over $60k. If these assets are held under a business name there's no estate tax since a business cannot "die". Trading, holding large assets under a company registered in a region without capital gains tax is a no brainer.
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I understand from this thread that a professional trader (US/EU stocks, forex, indices, crypto, etc...) managing his own funds (i.e. no clients and main activity) is allowed to operate as a natural person and is not required to set up and use a freezone company for that purpose. Can you confirm/are there sources stating it explicitly?
While this may seem logical for let's say an american it's not proper financial/ estate planning for other nationalities. In terms of stocks, let's say you have millions of dollars in your personal name & you pass away you'd be liable to pay US estate taxes of 40% over $60k. If these assets are held under a business name there's no estate tax since a business cannot "die". Trading, holding large assets under a company registered in a region without capital gains tax is a no brainer.
That's correct (about the estate tax).

Opening a company to for that purpose is easier said than done. Basically that's company is an investment fund and getting that up and running is not an easy task (it will require licensing, difficult to get banking etc, etc).
The only thing that should work are trusts but I have no experience with them.