Investment Options for Parked Money In Swiss Broker

If you have any Euro fund or ETF recommendation which is stable and low risk, it will be useful.

Everything relatively risk free i.e Euro currency short duration MM funds are negative yielding sadly . Had same issue with CHF and I have a lot of experienced people pooring over my portfolios. In end you either take on more risk in your investment decision in euros, accept some form of negative return or take cash out the system. Cash is not an option for you and I wouldn't go hunting for some obscure, illiquid ETF or fund promising some marginal return for extra unseen risks.

P.S Spread the money around. I am back to just over 100 accounts now so if I can do so can you.
I use to buy gold when I buy indexes.
If economy does good, gold consolidates and indexes rally.
If economy does bad, they print money so gold rally and stocks recover.
If there's a black Swan, gold rally compensates the indexes losses
Reactions: Cetme308win
Trump has told the World he is a "stable genius". Therefore, if gold is as stable as Trump, it must be "a pretty yuge investment, a tremendous investment to win bigly"

lol . The stable genius wants to start world war 3 to distract people from impeachment inquiry.

If there's a black Swan, gold rally compensates the indexes losses

Problem with any listed product i.e index fund that is not OTC product is that when a real crisis strikes and market falls exchanges have circuit breakers that simply halt trading after a certain percentage drop. They will also simply close the exchanges if market does start to fall and refuse to open them again until calm ensues. You will have zero chance of getting access to your investments just like e-banking being shutdown for maintenance.
Reactions: JohnLocke
US has the best location geographically unarguably, which will keep them at the top for a few more decades at least IMO, regardless of their social problems. People of US are well defined by media and other parties, well influenced, well domesticated and well regulated. US's brand is the best in the world compared to other countries, and is going to stay that way unless jews partner up with a 'competitor' country, which isn't in their best interest because US is their biggest market. Regardless of any kind of crisis, US is going to stay at the top, on average, as long as they have the control of influence over people through P**N, media, motion pictures, science, tech companies and other information distribution channels. Even if civil wars occur in the US, it won't make a difference in the long term. (Assuming you are upper class or above, because others will pay the price by slaving away.)

You're welcome for this piece of consulting
I checked my with my broker and it looks like I can able to buy Vanguard EUR funds. I will check low-risk Vanguard based options. I noted this option thanks.

As non-US persons, we cannot invest in Vanguard S&P 500 ETF though Interactive Brokers, right? I called and that's what they said.

Can I ask who's your broker?
As non-US persons, we cannot invest in Vanguard S&P 500 ETF though Interactive Brokers, right? I called and that's what they said.

It's cross listed so you can invest via London Stock Exchange code VUSA.L. Much better than buying on US and other exchanges as there is no withholding tax applied on the already small dividends it pays.
Can you tell me name of this sis broker please