Hey guys!
do you know if inside the EU the Tax authorities are exchanging the data, in the following case:
Person A - buys an expensive car in country A (for cash)
Person A - sells the car in another country B (for wire)
Would they be able to connect the two?
Thank you!
In general no if you bought and sold to private persons. If you buy from a dealership there maybe cash transaction reporting thresholds depending on your country. But if you have exported the car and it is de-registered with licensing agency and marked as exported in the country you purchased it then the trail ends there.
If you buy cash in Germany there are no problems.
But you need to register the car somewhere to resell it. The best way to do so is to use a German agency: they will register the car temporarily on themselves for the purpose of selling it and then wire you the money. However, this way you cannot skip VAT on the original purchase.
If you register the car outside Germany, local authorities will ask you for proof of purchase and payment.
Are the bank supervisor bodies yet advanced enough to track me down, due to the cash contract, and ask me questions?
There is no need to deposit cash, and no need to use the same car dealer. Just find the best deals on autoscout24 and mobile.de, it’s easy to spot scams.With large deposits of cash at an EU bank coming from same counter-party (you) there is always the risk of the cash deposits being flagged as suspicious by the bank and reported to relevant authority. That's when the drama starts. It only takes an eagle eyed bank employee to spot a pattern if you are using the same car dealer and your name keeps popping up.
Cash in Germany is still easy to use.Also I don't know which country you are dealing with. This makes a massive difference.