Initial Bankera fees for newly incorporated company in Cyprus

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For now I have received many inquiries from Genome and everything went smoothly.

Bankera didn't ask me for much information. They withdrew to decide and after a few days they said a sharp no.

Maybe I'm out of luck. But given the high commissions I paid to Bankera I was expecting another kind of attitude from them.
Hello could I ask you where did you finally open your bank account for CY company?
Hi Jabbar,
Sometimes Hellenic takes a little long time to review applications, so the fact that they are delaying dors not necessarily mean you wont get approved.
for me they work fine... no issues. if it's possible to open with BoC you want to do that. I was a customer of theirs some years ago before everything changed. I was satisfied, really good and fast service including wire transfers.
I am surprised that @KScyprus you were able to open with BOC, they opened my account for a non profit and then closed it once my first legit donation came in and said they don't deal with high-risk business. Most banks in Cyprus wouldnt even go past the initial sentence that I was a nonprofit registered with the registrar in Cyprus. It was a brick wall, I have just been waiting over two months for Hellenic and yesterday was told that they have declined the account (I believe the reason was something to do with one of my donators received income from Bitcoin.)
I'm now trying with Bankera - worried they will take the fee and decline.