If the atomic bomb hits Europe?

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Yeah Namibia is chill. And very low populated too. Maybe it has more animals than humans.

Yeah I saw huge self sufficient ranches out their with wild game to hunt. Will come in useful if Einstein is correct .

“I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.”​

― Albert Einstein
That’s correct, and China has plans to build a similar channel in Nicaragua. Undoubtedly US lost its grips over Panama as well.
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“I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.”
it isn't difficult to predict, don't even in Einsteins life.
I hope that ETs will show up before it even happens, but I am more hopeful that someone will hit Putin's bald head before it even happens, and he then end up with Amnesia. Believe it or not, he will be the nicest guy with Amnesia.

Killing him off is too bad for world. He is smart, and I think with Amnesia, he will be able to see things in a very different way.
Check out the paper 'Multidecadal global cooling and unprecedented ozone loss following a regional nuclear conflict'. According to this simultation nuclear winter would hit mainly the northern hemisphere whereas temperatures in the southern hemisphere would drop only slightly. There's also 'Plan A' on youtube, a simulation of nuclear war with Russia from Princeton university.

Best place is probably South America around the equator because there would be enough food supply even with a few degrees in temperature drop and almost no military targets. Australia and New Zealand might also be hit by tactical nuclear weapons (at least the naval bases) and wouldn't receive any supplies by sea due to lack of fuel. Africa is too overcrowded and has not enough food supply even without war.

According to some questionable news sites Putin is already hiding in his Ural bunker with his daughters and preparing a "warning shot" detonation of a nuclear warhead either underground or in some uninhabitated area. I remember one analyst on french TV cnews saying that a friend of him with close ties to Putin told him that Putin is obsessed with the idea of being the 2nd president in history after Truman to order the use of a nuclear weapon.
According to my sources, Biden shits his pants twice a day, and Kamala wants to be the first female President to detonate a nuclear device.
I am pretty sure about the former, the latter is joke but worries me a bit more…
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The Ukrainian war seemed as unlikely as the nuclear exchange seems now.
When considering the place you need to take into account not just survive, but stay alive afterwards. All South America will be fine but within a couple of months after economies collapse it will fall into chaos and will be ruled by local gangs who will rob and kill whomever they can. Paraguay, Argentina, Brazil is fine if you have a small army and stocked supplies.
Australia and New Zealand are too close to China and it seems like China will not stay neutral and will probably also get hit
I don’t know where I will be, but for sure I will be spending big money earned by selling anti-radiation accessories
Good business idea.
This is like being in mask business early 2020 .

Need to precise. I did not meant that no nuke will ever be fired.
Tactical nukes for increasing fear on a local scale can very well be used, and I think that might very well happen.
But I do not think a total collapse will take place as there is no benefit to it whereas there is a lot of benefit of the former.
ukrainen war was long time predicted.Read the book from Brzeziński from the 80's.
He was a US think tank and already wrote in his book that the big showdown will be in ukraine.
The rule of law and instability in Latin America and Africa is already very weak. I wouldn't want to be there with my family in the event of a global collapse. The low-paid security guard in your gated community in Mexico or Tanzania wouldn't risk his life to defend you. He'd be no match against organized criminals, corrupt police and looters.

When I was in Colombia, there was a sudden influx of rioting and looting around the country with groups of armed men going around invading apartment buildings. The security guards at these buildings were useless and either left or complied with the gangs.

Some residents took out their guns they've kept hidden since the Pablo Escobar days to defend their buildings. My girlfriend told me that a sweet and kind older man in her building had a very big assault rifle. He stood near the building entrance behind the gates and chased away some looters. He was very popular in the building afterwards.
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Yes, only two real options in Latin America or Africa:

1) Wealthy enough to afford your own compound and private security. This is the key: as part of your own survival plans you must treat your security detail, and their families, as part of your own extended family to create loyalty, trust, and a joint mission. In other words, your survival interests must be aligned.

2) A gated community (or rural compound) of armed, like-minded individuals who have a joint survival plan.