These days just being a very attractive female with light marketing skills can make you that kind of money easily......Look at
Cash me Outside girl on Dr. Phil for instance she made a lot of money in 6 hours on Only Fans I read and heard...... This is just one example...Very attractive women have many many many many options to making that type of money fast, easy and ALL in Cash. Plus sometimes additional Tips, Free Victuals, Free Transportation, Free Gifts and other non disclosed perks...
But for being a average fellow it's not that easy.
1) First the average guy or unattractive female is overcome by so much overwhelming layered convoluted disinformation and misinformation.
2) Being truly uniquely talented or uniquely skilled or uniquely gifted (like just being part of the lucky sperm club by being the tallest guy in the country, the only human to naturally fly etc).
3)Different types of Politics, kahoots, or proprietary knowledge in your favor.
4) General Luck or Creating your own Luck
5) Having a great deal of money ....Like having 5 million at just 1 percent makes $50,000 of capital gains.
But you want the quick and easy answer for untalented, broke, unattractive person the answer is in Victuals (Drinks and Foods). Do a needs assessment of the neighborhood and find out what people crave and at what price point are they willing to pay on the regular basis.
****Maybe you can't find it on Amazon or Walmart
*****Maybe the distance a person has to go to to get it daily takes 3 plus hrs .
*****Maybe it's required to only buy in bulk and not 1 piece at a time
*****You create it so only you know the precise and correct ingredients on how to make it.
Think about it what do you buy everyday duh lol
There's so many people who are disabled; too busy to walk too far; or just want something different to eat in their neighborhood....
Just give people your card and your phone number and people will call up about your food....
Victuals are more addicting than #ussy (Love/ Romance) drugs, gambling, the internet and even money lol.......
I can only think of one thing that can "concretely" beat food and drinks on the daily basis and that's OXYGEN.
***** PS I met some programmers who got official college accredited degrees in computer science but became obsolete because they couldn't keep up with the all the new reading material lingo, the vague, incomplete and evasive instructions of people giving out such tactical information and too many software / hardware technologies to learn and choose from......It was describe as if it was mental torture to me..... It's like a rabbit hole, information overload, taking weeks to figure out a tiny error.... Anyway I digress....