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The question is a bit off topic but. What other broker can you recommend, besides IB, for a non-US, non-European and non-UK passport holder (i.e. one, that would accept citizens of third world countries like IB)? I mean a normal reliable broker, not a "kitchen" or something registered somewhere offshore that appeared recently and will disappear tomorrow.
The question is a bit off topic but. What other broker can you recommend, besides IB, for a non-US, non-European and non-UK passport holder (i.e. one, that would accept citizens of third world countries like IB)? I mean a normal reliable broker, not a "kitchen" or something registered somewhere offshore that appeared recently and will disappear tomorrow.
Could you let me know what goal you want to achieve by having additional broker? You had kicked out from IB or want some additional crypto or something else?

You would able to have some few additional brokers who could onboard, but they all have some pros and cons and my opinion IB still better for regular investments without specific requirement.

Also you have not specified residence. Even with third country passport but with EU residence list of possible brokers bigger.
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Could you let me know what goal you want to achieve by having additional broker? You had kicked out from IB or want some additional crypto or something else?

You would able to have some few additional brokers who could onboard, but they all have some pros and cons and my opinion IB still better for regular investments without specific requirement.

Also you have not specified residence. Even with third country passport but with EU residence list of possible brokers bigger.
The goal is additional diversification, as well as the creation of another portfolio, with other stocks/funds. No, I was not kicked out of IB. But I would like to have another reliable broker, such as IB. It's like with banks, you don't need to use only one bank and keep all your money there, it's much better to use several. Regarding residency, let's say it is also not the EU (but not Russia/Syria/Yemen and so on either), at least I can confirm it. In general, a good "copy" of the IB is needed. Regarding cryptocurrency, I don't see the point in buying it through brokers, since it is much more interesting to own it yourself on cold wallet for example.
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The goal is additional diversification, as well as the creation of another portfolio, with other stocks/funds. No, I was not kicked out of IB. But I would like to have another reliable broker, such as IB. It's like with banks, you don't need to use only one bank and keep all your money there, it's much better to use several. Regarding residency, let's say it is also not the EU (but not Russia/Syria/Yemen and so on either), at least I can confirm it. In general, a good "copy" of the IB is needed. Regarding cryptocurrency, I don't see the point in buying it through brokers, since it is much more interesting to own it yourself on cold wallet for example.
Charles Schwab
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Unfortunately no :( As you can see they are not open any accounts on other countries, even for example on Antigua passport it's impossible to open acc on Schwab. It's cool broker but unfortunately no.
I know these could work, but I didn't try them - zackstrade, swissquote, tradestation, xtb, cobratrading, lightspeed. Not sure that they are so stable and legal like IB.
The goal is additional diversification, as well as the creation of another portfolio, with other stocks/funds. No, I was not kicked out of IB. But I would like to have another reliable broker, such as IB. It's like with banks, you don't need to use only one bank and keep all your money there, it's much better to use several.

I got your point.
But comparing to the banks, brokers are just access to the stocks/exchange.
And if you want to hold stocks from SP500 on different accounts in different brokers I don't see big value in this case, as the 'end' point would be the same with same vulnerabilities.

In case you want to hold cash in broker's account it might make sense, but coming back that you are limited to broker selection holding cash with brokers like exante or Swissquote not best idea and I guess IB are still better.

In case you want access to some specific fund, or exchange that IB don't have access too - using different broker might also have some sense. But you need to name this kind of specific fund or exchange and then select from available brokers who at same time could onboard you and provide access to what you are looking for.

Regarding residency, let's say it is also not the EU (but not Russia/Syria/Yemen and so on either), at least I can confirm it. In general, a good "copy" of the IB is needed. Regarding cryptocurrency, I don't see the point in buying it through brokers, since it is much more interesting to own it yourself on cold wallet for example.

You could try additionally to the Exness recommended above to exante, swissquote, freedom finance, saxo.
But personally I would grade all of them level below comparing to IB and go there only with certain specific reason. For the additional list we still need to know exact residency country (as I remember you are Ukrainian passport holder).

Maybe as a option could be use local bank in country of your residence who provide access to stock market through the white label solution from the same IB or another reputable broker. This way have few pros and cons which could be useful or useless, but at certain situations they could be better to some Cyprus's broker's.
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Can anyone suggest a good portfolio analysis tool (possibly app) that connects to IBKR? I need to upgrade from Excel :D
I’m trying Snowball and Getquin but it seems that they have issues with importing all data since inception.
Portseido is good but it doesn’t connect automatically to IBKR (you have to import files).
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