I tried opening a US business account in 18 EMIs, here's the result

I tried to do so, but they're asking for a shareolder list document that LLC cannot provide. Any suggestion?
In short: Explain to them how it is with US LLCs.
More detailed: Can you quote exactly what they wrote to you? It is pretty possible that their request can be fulfilled, in fact.

Side-note: Paysera is not a UK EMI, it is a Lithuanian company. Yet they have a UK subsidiary Paysera LTD.
Reactions: mytoofood
Yes, here's their answer to my application:

– First answer
Please provide official registry link of company registration country where we could be able to see information about company's responsible person, company number, status and shareholders.
Please provide official registry extract in English signed by registry e-signature with above mentioned information.

Or provide official registry extract in English with above mentioned information verified by notary apostille (notary has to certify not only signature or copy true, but also that content is correct) and official registry link of company registration country where we could be able to see information about company's responsible person, company number, status and shareholders.

– Second answer
In USA each state has own register where from you can provide the exact link and as well official registry extract in English signed by registry e-signature.
Otherwise we can not open account

I sent him the page about my company in my state website, where you can search for your company, but they answered: "as we mentioned above it is not sufficient."

It looks like they're trying to find a official page/document where they can see both the company name and the beneficial owner name. Not possible with Wyoming, Delaware or New Mexico companies.
Reactions: mytoofood
how's going with your account opening of all 18 emi's - what this a joke ?