You can also park it all in the
stable coins like USDC and USDT, it will also give you interest, pretty high yields in,
kucoin, hotbit,
kraken. Stake some of it in strong long term
crypto projects for yields, and park some in stablecoins for great %, if you have enough amounts this can be your monthly income for all basic needs just from the interest earned that you can spend with crypto debit cards and
cash out in small amounts (paying the 22% tax on these random small amounts seems not too bad, you cash out for daily needs while still parking most of it in stablecoins).
And you can do that for several years while you are moving to some tax friendly places like UAE or Montenegro etc'. I personally plan to live permanently in Montenegro to benefit from their 9% flat tax on both income and capital gains taxes, which is pretty good. Also getting residency is easy. But I'm also from a good country that doesn't hunt you down like the US
IRS does, so I'm lucky to not be American (despite I'm a US resident now [H1B worker], but a year after the relocation I will not be tax resident of US anymore, so I'll start using my parked stablecoins safely for various larger purchases like a house and a car, but until then will just rent stuff and travel a bit in neighboring EU countries).
Also keep in mind that by giving away the 22% you help your country, probably healthcare for someone is being paid from this, and not wars in Iraq are funded by that money. Some countries tax up to 45% and 50% and that's where it becomes slightly unfair, it's too much for hard earned income to be taxed so high. 10-20% seems fair if the country is good and cares for its citizens (unless you have ideological problems with what the tax money is used for, I'd say pay some tax on some amounts that you withdraw, it's not a big deal unless you must withdraw hundreds of thousands ASAP for some larger purchases, or millions).