I - Account EMI

Hi Tai, Hi every one

Can you please contact us on skype on "i-Account Group"? This a group of every people who got money problem with i-account.cc
Hi everyone,
JC0307... not finding a group with name i-Account Group, would you mind PM me the share link for the group? The closest thing i get is someone with skype name IAccount_Group Joy Li
hello friends
following the impossibility of withdrawing my funds on i-account, I had to investigate and discover a clone of i-account which is called imove (same interface, same services, same kyc and same emails)
So i opened an account with them to see if it could help me with my i-account issu.
It was more or less 6 months ago,
I receive this email today, apparently a kind of proposal to buy the data of all iMove usées, the email address used To Send me tais message is no-reply@iaccount.cc that which would prove that they have hack their servers.


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I have looked at Liri and i-account back in 2015 but decided to give it a pass. But the VP of Liri at that time Samuel Appadoo said he was based in Shanghai, Seychelles and Hong Kong. I suppose he kept my contact and today I received another email from Samuel but from his new company Aerapass (more or less does the same thing as Liri). Since he has jumped ship perhaps he might be willing to assist and give some insights.
I m saying the same guy Samuel is now promoting Aerapass, I have no idea whether he is the owner or what position he has at both companies. But he promoted i-account for a number of years and flew around to different cities and conferences so he might have some insight.

Unless Aerapass is the newer version of i-account, otherwise he should have the incentive to clarify.
what you mean by this information ?? he stolen our money and he build other new company ???
what can we do now ??
what you mean by this information ?? he stolen our money and he build other new company ???
what can we do now ??
No, I m saying he probably had information on Liri and i-account because he was working there for a while as a VP. I m also saying it is interesting how his current business is also similar to i-account. Not suggesting he is behind any of these projects and I have no additional information. Just putting the dots together since people seem to have suffered and maybe this guy can provide some useful information.
Did anyone who was scammed by i-Account take any action? If so, what? Did anyone make any official complaints?

Seems strange these people could take off with so much money with no consequence. The company still replies to opening new accounts! The authorities do not seem to care.
We contacted the authorities for that Circle Pay LLC and they were as shocked as we were. it appears that the i-Account gang simply threw up any company name on to the iAccount website. We contacted the HongKong authorities regarding Payedge as they were the last company that really existed before telling clients their accounts were being moved to Circle Pay but heard nothing yet.
We have identified a law office that specializes in our situation with i-account. This firm uses the services of a well-known informations agency. I have spoken with a law of this agency, they are professional and serious. Our dedicated group is determined to take these scammers to jail, stop them from moving on and of course get our money back.
We need to be 10 and we propose to those who want to spend arround 1000USD to join us. If you are interested, please contact me quickly in MP. Thank you.
We have identified a law office...

I am interested in getting our money back but it would help if you identified the lawyers or firm. The name of the firm does not need to be privileged information in any way, especially if they are professional (there are a lot of monetary recovery scams out there). Also, what is the $1,000 for? Is it a retainer? Any guarantees? Thanks for the info.
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