I - Account EMI

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I know someone who can give you guys addresses for this company. They are registered in HK but definitely not operating there.

Please get all information available.
Names of individuals
Addresses of individuals
And any other personal information on them.

Its time for them to start feeling the heat.
They are operating from all over different places, you want to check the IP's where they are corrensponding from. It may also just be a proxy, the only thing what you can find in HK is a shelf company!
top management (china & japan) :
ewan kato
george ito
oren rose
nicholson nishiyama

executives (philippines) :
harbin sze (peso forward)
rey cruz (ingenium bpo phils) - this is the one that closed down
jonas martinez (iwallet)
hattye asuncion (i-payments)

manila address : 23rd floor, fort legend tower, bonifacio global city, taguig, philippines

Furthermore, I suppose you all see that the website is down so bye bye money
They probably converted stolen fiat to second-hand AntMiners, and now generate crypto somewhere in China. It's the preferred and predominant washing method in this part of the world for 100K-5M of theft originations. As for getting your money back, those city addresses with asphalt roads won't help. You'll need hiking boots and a compass!

Furthermore, I'd not be surprised if some of you guys can find your own identity docs for sale in the onion marketplace right now.

To avoid getting scammed and/or identity stolen, always avoid the less-known EMIs and high risk payment processors nobody heard of!
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Same story for me - funds deposited in 2017, requested withdrawal first in June 2019, nothing for two months but funds debited, then debited funds credited back to the account, new KYC procedure, documents submitted, then accepted, withdrawal request made again on November 8, request accepted- money still nowhere. I am happy to join the angry crowd, time to smash some offices in HK this time for a legit reason.


  • Withdrawal request accepted 8 Nov 2019.webp
    45.5 KB · Views: 211
Guys be careful with people coming here and want you to participate in any private group i.e. skype, telegram or what else they suggest. I get reports that most often that are scams to abuse the people that got abused already, AGAIN!

Just a friendly warning and for that reason everyone posting in this thread that people shall PM someone or joing this and that group will from now on be banned! You can post what you have to post here or stay out of the thread!
Thank you for the headsup, i didn't get invite anyway.
At least the domain is up again you can see your "funds" as an html element so wohoo send me my funds from account <table id=my_funds>
Thank you. Obviously none of these groups have helped anyone or someone would have something positive to say.

On that note, does ANYONE have a clear strategy or understanding of what is the correct LEGAL PROCESS to take action? How about a class action suit?
Reactions: JohnLocke
Hello everyone,

I have followed the thread for quite some time. I lost significant funds in this cluster f**k.
In light of the dubious groups, I decided to start a small blog about this case summarizing all the information I have found so far.
All of the information may be of use for legal procedures as well. I will continuously update the blog and add new information, whenever I get the time to write.

If you have additional information I would be delighted if you either send me a pm
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Reactions: Almouk
So out of all the scam complaints on Trustpilot about i-Account being a scam, the one comment you pasted starts with this "it’s not that they took your money and left. it’s not even a scam."

Are you defending the actions of i-Account? If it is not a scam, why are they not responding to many clients who complained here? Also, why PM you anything, why not post it here? Just asking.

Hey Protonos,

Let me begin by saying I don't intend to defend anyone at i-Account. With all the research I am following a classical OSINT approach. To quote Wikipedia:

"Open-source intelligence (OSINT) is data collected from publicly available sources to be used in an intelligence context. In the intelligence community, the term "open" refers to overt, publicly available sources (as opposed to covert or clandestine sources). It is not related to open-source software or collective intelligence."

This means, that I am using typical OSINT tools such as recon-ng, the Harvester, or simply Google to extract as much data about i-Account as possible. Every Breadcrumb I can find can be used to gather additional information.
In the case of Trustpilot, all the reviews such as "total scum, scammers..." are valid and important. Nevertheless, there is no upside to copy and paste those, as they don't include any additional information.
The particular post included names that weren't mentioned anywhere else and are not listed as company directors. This is of particular interest to me, as my main goal is to gather as much information about the people responsible.

With regards to the PM, you're absolutely right - no point in sending me a PM.
Reactions: rewindghost
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