How & Why the EU Can Confiscate Your Wealth If You Can’t Explain It

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The moment you receive a letter to explain bits and pieces, its the day where you will need a shark fiscal lawyer to salvage what can be salvaged.
when you can start engraving your own tombstone, if you have not already left the EU (for real), and say adios to your assets.
Reactions: 0xDEADBEEF and GPT
when you can start engraving your own tombstone, if you have not already left the EU (for real), and say adios to your assets.
While typing out my question I was actually thinking about your profile picture, Silvio Berlusconi history and how nobody really knows exactly how he got the money to start his first real estate deals, it's quite an interesting story, but I guess those were very different times and he also had so much power to bend the rules when needed...

Rip. Silvio...
how nobody really knows exactly how he got the money to start his first real estate deals
Actually the story is simple and credible. His enemies then started elaborating, in typical fashion, on how the reality was different. That’s exactly what the average prosecutor will do to build a case against you.
Reactions: 0xDEADBEEF and rss
It sends shivers down my spine just reading this. The day I received that infamous letter from the tax authorities, I had no idea what was about to unfold, how it would change my life forever, and that I would be forced to flee my homeland.

That said I wonder why so many people no so much about the consequences and sometimes advanced tax questions.
Reactions: GPT and JohnnyDoe
It sends shivers down my spine just reading this. The day I received that infamous letter from the tax authorities,
Consider yourself lucky. Not always do they send a letter. Often they break down your entry door early in the morning and raid your house. You will be held at gunpoint, handcuffed and robbed of your belongings.
I wish I could post videos of my own experience, but the thugs switched off the CCTV system and took the HDD.

For proper documenting and insurance, deploy several Mobotix S74 camera systems integrating audio, video and multisense modules with remote storage. Could be handy for case dismissals for procedural reasons - I'm not commenting meritum
well they can do what they want. Eu has communist tendencies.
There is no real way of proving innocence. Its basically the core of roman law which has seemingly been abandoned.
Reactions: cryptofriendly
Im personally aware of 2 cases in NL for around the 100k mark and 1 in Spain. For the other countries its hearsay, i.e. learned about cases via my network, so second hand information which I do not doubt.
Would be nice to find something official with links or something where we would be able to verify it. I know it is difficult because most often no one is speaking about such situations.
Im personally aware of 2 cases in NL for around the 100k mark and 1 in Spain. For the other countries its hearsay, i.e. learned about cases via my network, so second hand information which I do not doubt.
I have seen NL start an audit even for a 100k-earning freelancer who moved from NL to Germany, verifying if residency is valid, etc.
Not too long ago, I had a lovely encounter with customs in the EU who went through ALL my stuff and demanded receipts for anything that looked remotely expensive. They finally hit the jackpot when they found one item that apparently wasn't bought in the EU (read: I was unable to prove I had bought it in the EU). Had to pay import duties and taxes, and the customs agent made sure to inform me that if the tax amount had exceeded 250eu, they would have initiated criminal proceedings for tax evasion.

And some people still think they're after the big fish...

I also have to say, that I have not found any grounds for that 250eu claim. Even when demanding for more information. But they would have gladly taken that item anyways and left me to figure out the next steps
Story time

A good friend worked in telecommunications and travelled frequently with 10-20 mobile phones for network testing purposesYou can imagine customs in various countries.

- why do you have so many mobile phones? I work in telecom.
- what is the purpose of traveling with so many phones ? I work in telecom.
- why do you travel with 100 plus SIM cards from all over the world? I work in telecom.

These conversations went on and on. Fortunately for him the phones were the cheapest of the cheapest solely for testing purposes. I bet the customs officers are still wondering about his travels and work.

Bottomline; after the second encounter he got a letter from his employer in which it was explained why he traveled with that hardware. This was early 2000’s. So in that sense I’m not surprised at all about what happens now.
The rich will always migrate to wherever they are offered more freedom and are left alone. In the US it was a mass exodus from California to Florida and Texas. In EU/Asia they typically go to Dubai.

I am surprised there are not more countries following the UAE system to steal these wealthy EU residents. Offer maximum freedom and safety to wealthy foreigners and zero/low tax, and watch your country flourish economically.
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