How & Why the EU Can Confiscate Your Wealth If You Can’t Explain It

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So, now I have to get clarification of what OKX deems EEA/EU....

Taking into account whether they deem Monaco

or CH

or the UK...

...part of the EEA even though they are NOT officially!

Thanks for sharing this. I have to jump on this right away!

PS. To those untrained with how "others" classify outside their area of knowledge and competence.... I've seen COUNTRIES (shitty ones, of course) classify a TRUCK as a sports car in order to levy extra import duties even though the manufacturer and its engineers testify it is a TRUCK and NOT a sports car. The people classifying the TRUCK as a sports car barely had a high school education, let alone being engineers...but they had weapons ... and plenty of guns and they outnumbered my clients

@JohnnyDoe and @wellington

How would you tackle this issue if you were in Monaco and Zug, CH (assuming OKX would ignorantly categorize the whole continent as EU)?
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id assume the whole continent of eu is pretty much doomed until deep reforms and deregs take place. To my distaste and big fears, this seems far away as most people will call for deep socialist rules before that is going to happen.

id address it with: "habibi come to dubai "or somewhere else outside eu.
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Reactions: AlicaFunk and jafo
Reactions: jafo
...part of the EEA even though they are NOT officially!

Thanks for sharing this. I have to jump on this right away!
You know, sometimes it really makes you think about how ridiculous things can get, or how the powers that be reckon we'll just buy anything they're selling. But, honestly, it seems like a good 90% of folks don't bother looking into stuff any further and just gobble up whatever the news and the government feed them, no questions asked.
Reactions: wellington and jafo
It gets even better
------ QUOTE ------

The anonymity of crypto-assets exposes them to risks of misuse for criminal
purposes. Anonymous crypto-asset accounts as well as other anonymising
instruments, do not allow the traceability of crypto-asset transfers, whilst also
making it difficult to identify linked transactions that may raise suspicion or to apply
to adequate level of customer due diligence. In order to ensure effective application
of AML/CFT requirements to crypto-assets, it is necessary to prohibit the provision
and the custody of anonymous crypto-asset accounts or accounts allowing for
the anonymisation or the increased obfuscation of transactions by crypto-asset
service providers, including through anonymity-enhancing coins.
The prohibition does not apply to providers of hardware and software or providers
of self-hosted wallets insofar as they do not possess access to or control over
those crypto-assets wallets .

------ QUOTE ------

Source P.104, via EU cash cap and ban on anonymous crypto payments results in financial paternalism
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Reactions: Jorozey and jafo
I foresee a brain drain from the EU.
Reactions: 0xDEADBEEF
not the north korean version.
I used to think this too...until a long-time Chinese supplier in Chang Chun, Ji lin Province, took me on a trip to North Korea... That sh1t was WILD AF! I only went because I trusted the supplier with my life, as he trusted me with his. NGL, I was scared sh1tless! This was much before Dennis Rodman went to North Korea

It's NOTHING like the <<<media>>> "reports."

There are tens of thousands of North Korean cross-border workers/commuters in Russia and China. Which is insignificant compared to North Korea's population.

I learned so much from that trip! I especially learned that "our people in their gang under the ruse of government robbing us of 50% of the fruits of our labor" HATES us with a passion. Nothing they say is true! NOTHING! There are NO exceptions!

Chang Chun, Ji lin Province April 2005

*** This specific supplier has been my lifeline for decades, even when the founder was a scientist/employee for a multinational in the US. Both companies are still so great today. My supplier has the best product in the market. It's trading on the SZSE Component Index. These guys have retired me 100s of times. Not all heroes wear capes.

What a time to be alive!

Furthermore, these guys (unrelated to my supplier) do tours to North Korea: Can North Koreans Travel Abroad? — Young Pioneer Tours

PS. *NO* - I did NOT even take a camera into North Korea. Not even a suitcase. I didn't want to be "frisked" or have my mobile cloned or whatever the West's indoctrination machine was able to "inculcate" in my feeble brain. I am stupid but NOT suicidal.
Much to my chagrin, the people were cool AF, and nobody bothered me. The food and service were outstanding. They would NOT even stamp my Western passport because they told me I would be f*cked if Western governments and their vassal states found out I was in North Korea. Talk about freedom....Go figure...

PSS. The girls in North Korea were stunning...if you are into Asian girls. I am personally NOT into Asian girls!
interesting thing, didnt know that. Never bothered to ponder the nk situation (bc its completely outside what i need nor do) and im just paraphrasing "common knowledge". Seems like you really need to dig into every single topic.
Reactions: jafo
So, let's say you've been playing by the rules, paying all your dues and taxes, basically just doing what's expected in the whole welfare state setup we've got in so many places, right? Then they can't just come in and grab your stuff, can they?

I mean, I'm not sure how anyone weighed down by all those taxes could even start to pile up some cash or assets, but just imagine if, somehow, you did manage to do that. What happens then?
So, let's say you've been playing by the rules, paying all your dues and taxes, basically just doing what's expected in the whole welfare state setup we've got in so many places, right? Then they can't just come in and grab your stuff, can they?

I mean, I'm not sure how anyone weighed down by all those taxes could even start to pile up some cash or assets, but just imagine if, somehow, you did manage to do that. What happens then?
Just stick to keeping most of your funds in Bitcoin, the asset that no one can confiscate from you, set a 12-24 secret recovery phrase - write down and hide the words in several places. Your funds will be with you wherever you go in the world and you will be able to leave them for your future generations by preserving wealth over the time.
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"Bottom line, it’s important to know that doing things legally won’t get you in trouble anyway."

This is exactly what is giving everyone a wrong sense of security, which is just not there if legal codes get changed in a heartbeat.
I wish I could call you out for lying, but sadly, I've been down that road with the tax folks myself. Everything was straight as an arrow, and yet, I ended up with a fine and had to cough up tax on something I should've gotten a deduction for. Crazy, right?
I ended up with a fine and had to cough up tax on something I should've gotten a deduction for. Crazy, right?
You are 100% right! Everyone on OCT has probably gone through the same thing or knows someone who has. I saw Leona Hemsley get lambasted, and later, the IRS refunded her 1.6M—meaning they made a mistake—and she did prison time. Her crime? Saying, "Only the little people pay taxes."

Ohhhh...and get this....they buried that story (somewhere). I have a copy, but it is on an old computer. HELMSLEYS DUE TAX REFUND, DEFENSE SAYS (Published 1989) ***

The actual court file where they refunded her the money was SEALED! read that was SEALED.

*** Yes, as an OCT member remarked on my TG: "Man, you are old "
So, let's say you've been playing by the rules, paying all your dues and taxes, basically just doing what's expected in the whole welfare state setup we've got in so many places, right?
Then they can't just come in and grab your stuff, can they?
why not, you'd be surprised?
they write the rules and interpret them as they want when you end up in court... the can bend them in any way they want.
I've seen it plenty of times in every major EU country.

I've seen entrepreneurs going to court for a punctuation error of the tax officer that sent the letter... or for mistakenly putting one or more zeroes in the end...
they wanted to grab their houses... they didn't want to double check their papers, they would not answer. They just started the countdown on you: 30 days to pay, else take us to court or we send the bailiff
and then spending xxxxx€ of lawyers and living like s**t for years just to confirm it was a tax agency mistake.
Even if you win, the judge will never order the tax agency to refund your lawyers fee in full cause they consider the amount you paid too much...
And they're so bastards that they will find an old law not letting you use that money as credit on next years tax return.
So it's just worthless paper: you won, you're right, but they'll not give back your money easily, will not pay your lawyer in full and you can't seize the money from the tax agency bank accounts...
but remember how quickly they can seize yours!

It's not an equal fight. Try to avoid it.

ALSO, I was one that did all the things by the book.
One time i had a flat to rent somewhere in EU.
A guy wanted it. I heard he was a tax officer. So I had to register the rent and do all by the book. Paying the stamps and all the BS was requested at that time.
The whole street, and I mean every other rented flat in that street, was not registered and nobody was paying taxes on rent.
Everyone knew it, included the tax officer that was living in mine. Do you think he cared? He minded his own business... heard they even joked at work about this.
My accountant did a mistake declaring that rental income in that year tax returns. The rent was registered correctly, it was added as income and so I paid taxes on that correctly, but he omitted it in another section of the tax declaration (used for statistical reason not really for tax), I've got no advantage from omitting that.
The law was not clear, they issued a directive after, but the first ones all got shafted this way

After a few years got a letter telling me I was being fined because they considered omitting that statistical section as a partial tax declaration, same as tax evasion, but I hadn't evaded a single cent.
So I still got a fine, not huge, not cheap.
The accountant said it was way cheaper to pay the fine than pay his fees to start a case...
If I had not registered the rent, I wouldn't have to pay any taxes on it, I would have got no fine as I wasn't on their register.
So in some countries their employees are so lazy that they check only those that voluntarily added themselves IN the system.
They don't go door to door to fine the ones that aren't in their lists, also cause they would have to fine their relatives .

sometime you have to ask if accountants are part of the system too (I know the answer )

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sometime you have to ask if accountants are part of the system too (I know the answer )
They are in some way since they make money of the stupid regulations governments dictate the average business owner.

This old grandpa is falling in sleep.
Reactions: jafo
They are in some way since they make money of the stupid regulations governments dictate the average business owner.
You are so right! I didn't want to comment on this earlier because I have already mentioned lawyers being an "officer of the court" for decades, but a good rule of thumb is anyone who needs a license/authorization from the "government" to operate is a potential enemy of the people! Of course, there are exceptions, but they are few and far between.

This old grandpa is falling in sleep.

PS. From a very young age, +1 and above, the people around me (mom, dad, grandparents, etc) have always been at least 30 years older than me. Even today, most people I personally know in the physical world and do business with are older than me. It's impressive how one gains real education, knowledge, and wisdom from life like this. What is taught in schools is so far away from reality that it's mind-boggling!
I couldn't agree more with you. I've learned the most from hearing stories of people who've lived lives differently compared to the 'sheeple', not from sitting in lecture halls. Their experiences have a richness that no amount of book learning can match. Sadly, I fear this kind of knowledge will fade as more people blindly follow their government's lead and narc on their fellow humans for thoughtcrimes.
Reactions: jafo
My imaginary friends are not terribly concerned about this
I left the UK in 2010s

Would only visit annually to aid my grandmother with her charity commitments

Don’t own property in the UK
Grandfather dead (2017)
Mother dead (2021)
Grandfather dead (2024)



Those are “connections”

Also three siblings
2 don’t talk to (nothing really to discuss)
1 talk to about every few years

Under UK law it’s very hard therefore for the Government to get a grapple on the jurisdiction of me

1 real estate is outside of their jurisdiction
2 banking is outside of their jurisdiction and I don’t bank in pounds
3 children / wife non UK citizen (Kids can claim but UK gov are not informed till they want to claim and non-resident)

Circle of life is outside of their jurisdiction

- low touch points that are vague and not enough to grapple.

Don’t do business in the UK, through the UK or with the UK.

So for me it’s very simple I am not impacted

My only connection to Europe is Switzerland - I pay a tax there and that’s that but Swiss isn’t part of the EU and in addition a lot of connections with the UK were severed when Brexit happened - for example my wife a Swiss tax payer like myself (RE) would usually get a two year visa - the ambassador had to authorize it last time as they would only give a visa based on the period she intended to visit based on treaties being cancelled.

Same applies to data sharing etc

Then it comes to connection (mentally) - the UK for me has long discontinued to be “home” I’d only visit for familial charity commitments otherwise had little interest in the place.

Europe I enjoy but as I’ve gotten older I’ve also toned down my traveling around Europe - and prefer just to visit historical sites and eat cake and drink chocolate on the slopes - I’m more Asia focused and generally have holidays in East Africa (Zanzibar/kenya/Tanzania etc) opposed to say Paris-Rome-Madrid

Basically I’ve gone anti west

And it wouldn’t take much for me to cease to being a British Subject - there’s no benefit except visa free travel and as it stands no non resident tax.

On this Jafo most of my associates/friends are 30-40 yrs older

The youngest being 10 yrs
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