How & Why the EU Can Confiscate Your Wealth If You Can’t Explain It

The thing that confuses me most is, how much more wealth can they actually squeeze out of us, that will help the fact they're broke? At some point, all these new laws bring diminishing returns, and surely we're already there.
Yah indeed. Pretty much all of this is quite openly a bs factory at best.
Reactions: jafo
The thing that confuses me most is, how much more wealth can they actually squeeze out of us, that will help the fact they're broke? At some point, all these new laws bring diminishing returns, and surely we're already there.
EU will collapse within 10-15, Germany is already cracking and it's real estate market is leveraged to the hilt for 140% of GDP which will only decline going forward, and that's backed by a fund with like 100m Euro in it lol.

The Central Bank of Germany was bankrupt the last time i looked.

When it collapses it will take all but France down with it.

This is good news, as it results in restructuring (civil disobedience) systems dismissed.. you just need to survive that long...
Thomas Sowell mentioned something exactly like this... I can't remember but it was in response to the FATCA bs by Obama.
Ironically i was pushing towards going into politics, i've since come to the conclusion that a revolution has to occur, as it can't be fixed from inside.

~ Combustum illud, incende illud
Reactions: jafo
EU has become a totalitarian state, wait for a few more years, and it will become even worse.

Agenda2030/WEF is here to take away our personal privacy and freedoms and turn them into privileges/digital panopticon.

Reminder, another reason to leave the totalitarian surveillance communism called - EU
This approval comes in sequence after the WEF psychopaths/pedophiles roadmap for enslavement of humanity under a digital panopticon
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What's the end goal here?
What is going to happen to the bank and the bank employees?
De-risking - AML fines etc

I was one of the non-residents impacted - know many in my shoes.

They can’t track funds overseas so don’t know what the source is.

As for the bank/employee won’t be needed in the future with CBDCs

Have a look at the digital roll out in Ukraine for what’s coming to Europe/UK - all done via goverment
Missed payments on loans with small banks in the US is highest ever in history

Now Janet Yellen, FED, and their buddies are ending the BTFP
Federal Reserve Board Announced Ending of the Bank Term Funding Program

Small banks won't have access to new liquidity right when the bank failures are starting. This is by design to control regional bank failures and consolidate power, enabling the orchestrated collapse. It’s how the banking cartel works, so bank failures will continue this year and they will be used to install CBDC
I always wonder WHAT exactly they mean by "criminals"???

PS. I have asked them one-by-one and face-to-face and they all try to deflect and make excuses especially because they are ALONE and away from their wolf pack and immediately blame it on "OTHERS who are UNKNOWN to them and me". It's sickening how many cowards and cuckolds are in government. None of them can stand their ground alone one on one! None!
Reactions: JohnLocke
That's how politics and politicians generally operate: one hiding behind the other. When there's no one left to hide behind, the last one in line takes the blame and gets thrown out, after which it all starts over again, just differently.
Reactions: Belfort and jafo
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