How to setup total anonymous company? I need to protect my personal name?

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I agree @Admin, the part where you take action is important, like the slogan of this forum "every man has a property in his own person" hits the nail on the top.
without action you won't move forward. It is like bicycling!

There are so many lurker around here that never want to put some action in the work for them nothing will work, no darks, no mentor group no nothing.
both will work depending on what your money stash say, I see providers around both in public forums and mentor group gold with good explanation.
have had great success with nominees, I don't bother any longer about CRS etc. learned stuff in mentor group.
Thank you for your feedback. Many have been around, actually we crossed a thousands members in Mentor Group last month, not at once but at all, most learn a lot quickly, adopt and move on then they come back after a few months to check out what they missed out on.
both will work depending on what your money stash say, I see providers around both in public forums and mentor group gold with good explanation.
do you have a link for those who have mentor group gold membership? I mean if you posted about it?
Isn't there a risk with nominees? I thought that the UBO requirements made the nominee route impractical.
If nominees are impractical depends on the Jurisidctions - Jurisdictions with British Common Law can work good with Nominees - as well as some Jurisdictions that are specialised with Nominees like Cyprus.

However getting such structures banked gets harder and harder each year and with the upcoming UBO register not only in the EU but also along most common British Common Law countries in the Caribbeans as well as in the Channel Islands - the nominee usage will be pretty much dead.

So better get yourself a setup in a jurisdiction without any publich company register or public UBO regsiter plans like the UAE so that you are fine till a date where the public UBO register will be a global adopted requirement - we will see this for sure within the next 10-15 years and till then ride the wave till the end with the UAE.
Reactions: Russky
Does the UAE not have any public UBO register? I just quickly checked online and all I can find was the address of a company and it's manager/director. So would shareholder(s) be hidden?
No public UBO register.

Yes - the UBO's are not public visible.
So appointing nominees will complete remove your name for the public. Reporting will still exist but we will have some sort of an anonymous company, true?

What about the governments, they will have easy access to UBO information because of the CRS or it's still not that easy?
without action you won't move forward. It is like bicycling!

There are so many lurker around here that never want to put some action in the work for them nothing will work, no darks, no mentor group no nothing.
I totally agree. I read stuff in mentor group gold at first when I came here and got the membership, it was overwhelming, however, testing, testing and following some of the stuff found around brought me to a very stable solution in regards to anonymity.

Now I'm looking into something bigger and more reliable, Trust / Foundation setup, maybe in Cook Islands or somewhere else.
One of the best threads I have read was the thread in mentor group and also in the free forums about the hooker, it turned into some crazy s**t

But if you have been reading this forum frequently and if you are from nature curious, you will have figured out that it isn't that difficult to get your self setup with a nice anonymous offshore setup for a fraction of what some people around here ask for. Still no clue??? check out my signature and you will be a wise man shortly.
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