How To Prepare For Another Bank Run

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I have seen the swift cut off happen more than 2-3 times. Converting to EUR could be an option , but a bank who suffers a swift cut off from the US immediately becomes high risk for EUR correspondence banks, but this I guess is another kind of risk.

Trust me I was a long bond investor and timed the market well to exit bond market on my long term euro treasury bonds back in Mar 2022. I posted about this back then in this thread related to protecting wealth from future sanctions. Had I not I exited I would be sitting on substantial loss of capital like.......SVG bank RIP .

4% interest on US Treasuries is a return below the rate of inflation and that's not how you preserve your wealth . Long term Euro treasury bonds were good for me when there was low inflation but not any more. I put my money into total return assets i.e I get income from rent and capital appreciation from my real estate and all tax free and outside banking system. As I mentioned I bought as a distressed sale due to owners falling foul of rising interest rates on their Oh and its not in the strange places you mention. I am a little smarter than that when it comes to wealth/asset

I'm honestly interested... why is that?

I asked you the question and you answered with a question. How does that work?

I have seen the swift cut off happen more than 2-3 times. Converting to EUR could be an option , but a bank who suffers a swift cut off from the US immediately becomes high risk for EUR correspondence banks, but this I guess is another kind of risk.

Washington’s ‘trigger-happy’ sanctions may push countries away from the dollar, says think tank​

P.S Lets get back to thread topic or start a new thread and we discuss there plz. USD is a deep topic and not for this thread.

Bitcoin, USDC stablecoin rally after US intervenes on SVB​

Stablecoin USD Coin (USDC) , which had lost its 1:1 dollar peg and hit an all-time low on Saturday on concerns over the exposures of Circle, the firm behind USDC, to Silicon Valley Bank, recovered. It was at $0.9917, closer to par and up from last week's lows around $0.88.

Bitcoin was up about 8% from Sunday's lows, trading at $22,568.
Great to hear that your sell was well-timed!

Buying distressed assets can be great and I hope you made a good purchase. I personally could not sleep at night knowing all my assets in this world are in one building\compound\farmland\hotel\whatever.

Regardless of the location of your asset, you are still at the mercy of the local government/regulation, zoning laws, or Covid\Travel restrictions (if it's a hotel), or price of labor\wood\bananas (if it's farmland) and the list goes on and on. Real estate always includes political risk even if it looks like just an investment. I guess you did not buy in Europe or United States as you clearly hate both these "areas" which only leaves South America or Asia - areas with very particular risks of their own. Good luck, definitely not an investment for everybody
Don't forget Africa, especially the Somali real estate market still has a lot of potential: