how to benefit in times of crises - COVID-19 - Corona

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I am waiting for them now to pledge to effectively bail out the US Bond market. Lot of US companies especially in oil and gas that issued junk bonds.

Well right on queue they have pledged to do exactly what I said They are bailing out the entire U.S bond markets as I thought. They have no choice really they got to now prevent a depression.

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"We've made three new announcements that with the Fed we'll be supporting the asset-backed markets, the primary corporate bond markets, the secondary corporate bond markets." - Steven Mnuchin

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Reactions: djaheim
They are bailing out the entire U.S bond markets as I thought. They have no choice really they got to now prevent a depression.

Hmm, sounds like they bypassed the constitution and the congress at once.
- "By law, the Fed is able to purchase only Treasury securities and mortgage-related securities issued by government-sponsored enterprises" - or not?

Where to start? So many options.
Maybe Boeing, Marriott, or perhaps Lockheed Martin and Halliburton?
It just doesn't make logical sense. If you keep throwing the phrase "overvalued" around then its meaningless. If you can't say what "fair value" or "undervalued is" then it's meaningless.

@Martin Everson kept throwing that phrase around as well, but when I called him out on it asking to indicate his "fair value" points he suddenly fell silent.

If not index funds thhen WHAT ELSE?

Gold? Gold doesn't produce anything.
BItcoin? Speculation
Real estate - centralised geopolitical and industry risk. Good luck renting AirBNB now.
Stock picking? DOES. NOT. WORK. Statistically proven.
Bonds? Low yields.
Market timing? DOES. NOT. WORK. Statistically proven (getting lucky gambling does not disprove general trend).

So what is YOUR suggestion where to put money?

Cash? With Fed about to print unlimited amount to bubble up the stock market further?

. There is an average (or median) value, above that is overvalued, below that is undervalued. Set a timeframe and compare, you can adjust for inflation.
Ok, in that case, what is this range? Please tell us, why the particular range. From [X] to [Y]? What are the numbers and why?
@Martin Everson kept throwing that phrase around as well, but when I called him out on it asking to indicate his "fair value" points he suddenly fell silent.

I ignored you on purpose and hoped you would get the message. Btw please DO NOT PM ME again also like you did recently it is I have set you to ignore for future PM's. I won't help someone like you. Plus stop following my posts from today on also as I don't want you stalking I also set you to ignore for all your posts .

@KJK and anyone else don't waste your time with debating with You will end up going round in circles. See my previous debates with him in older threads. He has serious mental issues sadly and will never give up . I will just leave it at that and keep it cordial .
Wow, that is low class behaviour.

So I answer your question and you said if I answer your question you will answer mine, but you weaselled out.

That is neither masculine, nor honourable, pathetic really.
Why would FED f**k up?
FED would do anything to protect the dollar. I don’t think the dollar is going anywhere soon. They are on brink of pumping 2Trillion dollars and today markets responded positively and it appears the govt is prepared to pump more cash to stop any panic at Wall Street. So what will happen to the dollar? Nothing, it will wobible a bit and every will be back to normal.
Euro is a shitty currency I wouldn’t touch it with a 12 ft pole.
Reactions: KJK
They are on brink of pumping 2Trillion dollars and today markets responded positively and it appears the govt is prepared to pump more cash to stop any panic at Wall Street.

lol...wait until the U.S unemployment insurance weekly claims numbers come out tomorrow .
I personally dont think they will be much of a problem. Lol Insurance firms will pay out and then the government will bail them out. You know how it is.

Not much of a problem. Look at the unemployment weekly claims figures published today as I said . An increase of 3,000,000 jobs claims in one week. The highest in history of claims in U.S .

---- start quote

"In the week ending March 21, the advance figure for seasonally adjusted initial claims was 3,283,000, an increase of 3,001,000 from the previous week's revised level. This marks the highest level of seasonally adjusted initial claims in the history of the seasonally adjusted series. The previous high was 695,000 in October of 1982. The previous week's level was revised up by 1,000 from 281,000 to 282,000. The 4-week moving average was 998,250, an increase of 765,750 from the previous week's revised average. The previous week's average was revised up by 250 from 232,250 to 232,500."

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Reactions: Spinat

You're expecting high returns that's why you won't find anything that produce stable high returns in long-term. You may start a casino for that instead burning your wealth.

Answering to your question, Low yields are often better than High yields. Gold & Bitcoin are businesses that sells physical and internet magic beans to unsophisticated retail investors.

I suggest to invest in Bonds & Yourself, also Your Business (if you have any).

“Invest in as much of yourself as you can, you are your own biggest asset by far.”

— Warren Buffett
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Reactions: troubled soul
You think Saudis will keep the oil prices low until 2021?

Well the Saudi's want to consolidate their position and drive out of business US producers and harm Russian revenue. That is pointless now as US has effectively pledged to bail out the entire us oil industry with its bond buying plans. The fact is with fed rates between 0 and 0.25% the US shale producers could issue 30 year bonds at 0% rate and US government would buy them as part of bail out to save US shale industry. That means free money for 30 years for US shale producers which then protects a lot of US jobs in the supply chain.

So to answer your question the Saudi's are now only harming themselves as US has told them effectively that they will print USD to infinity to protect their oil producers so why would Saudi's keep prices low and just to harm themselves and
So it's a good time to invest in cheap crude oil companies in the US? Got it. Thanks.

Some say that after markets recover beyond ATHs USD will hit $0 (somehow, Idk how) and there will be a "restart" where gold wins over the USD. What do you think about that? What do they mean by USD hitting zero? Sources:

These sources are unprofessional aka you should not trust them. Gold is a scam that target retail investors like you, but you can make money on it because there are always fools buy them so you should have like 1% of Gold in your portfolio.

I encourage you to seek independent financial advisory to learn about right investments.

I seems to be wrong about Bonds. I think USD is king in rescission. There is rush for Cash nowadays. This is very unconventional thought I had last night. People will disagree.
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What is your education in finance?
What is your education in finance?

I identify my-self as an autodidact. My education doesn't matter. YouTube never was a good investment advisory resource at all. YouTube is the go-to-go platform for Ponzi people. They are creating brainwashing videos to attract investments for their pseudo hedge funds.

[1] After the Gold Rush | by Nouriel Roubini
[2] [3]
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Reactions: Marie Manila
Everything is a ponzi scheme including currencies, all tools to store value, bitcoins, your government, religion and family to an extent. Goal is to use ponzi schemes to your advantage.
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