How to Avoid CRS - 3 Options as of 2019 - 2025

Thanks dear. A lot of info for all nomads. I was confused about Emirates/Qatar sharing on miles earlier. Yes it makes sense now.
I can see that an option is to choose a non-CRS country. Let's assume that a person lives in a heavily taxed country and is able to open a bank account for personal use in a non-CRS country. What happens if the country that the person lives in (the heavily taxed one) starts to investigate the person in relation to a possible link to the bank account located in the non-CRS country? What will the bank in the non-CRS country respond?
@Morrad : in your figure => the non-CRS bank will not respond or provide spontaneously, neither automaticaly to your local tax man. First they don't know each other. Second the non-CRS bank has nothing to do with you local tax man.
Your local tax man must request TAEI with the administration of that non-CRS country where you have that bank and personnal account. Process can take months and more (depending countries) for your tax man to get infos.
It is well known some countries in Central and West Africa will mostly never reply (for several reasons) any TAEI request from you local tax man.
If you are under Police + tax man investigation for big burden. That non-CRS country may act faster to provide infos to your local tax man + Police.

Oh, okay. I get it. Thanks!
I spoke to a Japanese guy in Singapore who said the Japanese tax authorities don't care about anything under one million USD. In other words if a Japanese had $100,000 in an offshore bank account and was not reporting interest earned he would be safe. Now this may or may not be factual. Yet it makes sense that tax authorities are not going to waste time and effort to chase down some guy with $10,000 in an offshore account who earned a few dollars in interest.

In regards to CRS, can anyone provide any info on what size of accounts (bank/stock) most countries would take action on? I have not read anything on this.
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To avoid CRS you need to be a digital nomad or you have to move to a place where it is suitable for you with the tax that has to be paid.

North Cyprus sounds to be a viable road to take, anyway, the last few years it has been almost impossible for anyone to open an account with any bank in Cyprus if you didn't lived there.

UAE is straitening the tax rules, so far they don't report as far as I understand but under CRS it will soon be a reality that they are forced to do so.

What other options we have left I don't know, one that will work is to move to a place where you don't need to care about all the tax reporting and dictatorships of controlling the small man.