How or where to open bank account for Dubai free zone company


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Aug 9, 2019
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Hello all,
Possibly my problem is not new for this forum and it was asked earlier but due to my low experience in offshore questions i need help.

In the beginning of 2019 i opened company in UAE Rakez free zone (FZE) and everything goes well till my first attempt to register the bank account. In the first bank i visited i immediatelly got refusal and explanation that with all my and my company documents it will be almost impossible to register the bank account in UAE banks. The reason is that i purchased wrong license for my company (General Trading) and my citizenship (Uzbekistan) is also in high risks zone for UAE banks. I signed the compliance documents almost in 5-6 banks in Dubai and got refusal everywhere. Some banks offered me to change the license type and register the physical office but as i heared later it will not affect to the result.

Is there any way to solve this situation or better to open the bank account outside Dubai? Where it is easier to do (county or bank)? And which way is fastest to register bank account?
If you find a bank or just an EMI please post here. CG Bank seems to open accounts for Dubai companies but I don't know how reliable they are in real!
2. TBC bank in Georgia;
3. Fortress Bank in Turkey;
No.2 I would really like to know if you succeed to open an account with them and if so, how you did it
No.3 Stay away from Turkey nothing than trouble.

What are the min. deposit requirements now a day with them? any other special requirements they have?
Reactions: k0t
As far as I know, CIM Banque only works with companies incorporated in Dubai, that is what they told me a few months ago.

For the Dubai company, it is really hard to open an account ... anywhere. UAE does not Apostille and a few European banks that are still opening accounts for these companies do not wanna even look at the docs unless you have Apostille. An alternative is to certify documents in the embassy of the country where the bank is located, but that is very expensive and risky.

I am afraid that you might have wasted money, but good luck anyway.
Reactions: 4br

You joined forum 5 minutes ago and on your very first post comes up with this nonsense .
on what basis such statements are? it feels like competitors are simply spreading false information

So you feel that CG Bank is Are there really people that stupid out there? Trust me my friend when this scam unravels EVERYONE including the promoters receiving kick backs are 100% going to be jailed in US. If common sense does not tell you it is a scam then I cannot help you. I mean 10% fixed rate on Euros??????? . The Opaque offshore ownership and no UBO or employee data given??? Have you read the below or actually considered using common sense rather than hope and trust. Some people still today believe bitttttcooonnneeeccctt was real so I guess there is no helping some.

It is worse than Reggie Middleton and Veritaseum
Thanks for information and link =) I am totally noob but noted that their web page looks like scam.
Reactions: Martin Everson
I have never used them.
Dear all,

what do you think about company

Just send the inquiry to the Euro Pay S.R.O. EMI for account opening and they contacted me by email and added sales email registered at