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How many of you invest in foreign Real estate and How was your experience good or bad ?

Why are Russians leaving Georgia now? Did they feel a significant patriotic surge?

They cannot do anything in Georgia. It is relatively difficult for them to open and maintain a bank account, to get a residence permit (if they really want one), to find a job and to find a sympathetic landlord.

Many leave for Serbia. They are young and Western-oriented, and the lifestyle in Georgia too boring and too conservative for them.
Serbia offers them more with regards to a new home: they are welcome, they get residency, there are no problems getting a bank account, and prices are lower (for them) than they are in Georgia. The lifestyle in Serbia is much more open-minded, which appeals to younger folks.
They cannot do anything in Georgia. It is relatively difficult for them to open and maintain a bank account, to get a residence permit (if they really want one), to find a job and to find a sympathetic landlord.

Many leave for Serbia. They are young and Western-oriented, and the lifestyle in Georgia too boring and too conservative for them.
Serbia offers them more with regards to a new home: they are welcome, they get residency, there are no problems getting a bank account, and prices are lower (for them) than they are in Georgia. The lifestyle in Serbia is much more open-minded, which appeals to younger folks.
Plus, they get naturalized.

Georgia as a country is a shithole. It would be a jail for me to live in Georgia.
Generally not a fan of real estate investing. Real estate has relatively high carrying costs in the way of tax and maintenance, imposes some form of physical presence requirement to monitor it, requires a lot of due diligence (do you really understand that local market?), and has a higher barriers to purchase or sale. There are generally better opportunities for return without the drawbacks. My philosophy is to own what properties I need to support my lifestyle and nothing extra, but to treat those purchases as any other investment. Moderate profit while fulfilling my other needs is a W any day of the week.

That said, real estate investing has worked out very well for many people.

And, that is just, like, my opinion, dude.
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i can't believe there aren't any lucrative or at least decently promising real estate opportunities anywhere in the world. they must be somewhere.

and what else to buy if I don't want banks to control my funds? banks are scam. also, if everything starts collapsing maybe at least some kinds of real estate will hold well compared to a possible stockmarket crash?
Why, if it's not a secret?
Because the golden visa bonanza is over.
Or are you generally against owning real estate for the purpose of long-term rental anywhere in the world?
I’m not interested in endless headaches for a 6% (if you are lucky) net profit. REITs offer higher returns with less risk.
Additionally, it is not smart to own property in a place where property is a sin, not a right.
Real estate is ONLY worth it if you can get a cheap mortgage, AND if you can actively develop your asset (by renovation, re-zoning, etc). Otherwise don't waste your time.

Yes, some people may claim they did 200-300% but it's almost always GROSS and not NET, once you include all the buy-sell costs/renovation/time spent it's really not amazing.
Moreover, even if you made 300% in 10 years (which is exceptional), in CAGR terms it's only 11.6123%. Guess what? The S&P 500 did better in the last 10 years.

In fact even if you made 500% in 20 years which sounds amazing, in CAGR terms it's even worse: 8.3798% p.a = awful returns.

Real estate is great if you have dirty money you want to hide. Not as an investment unless you are an expert in your area and really know what you are doing, and it's your full-time activity.

Most people I talked to that showed off about their real estate returns only have returns on Excel, if they actually calculated their real returns (which you can only do when you SELL), they would jump from the roof of their building.
I think real estate is always a good passive earner and wealth builder because the capital gain (in the right markets) is strong on its own, but coupled with the fact that it's geared so as someone else is paying all of your holding costs throughout the loan period, and the property has nil ongoing costs, you can work it out to be better than you could otherwise do on the S&P. The asset class will generally allow you to borrow for a much more valuable asset than you could with stocks (if you decided to borrow to trade), and then the renter effectively pays for that debt cost, allowing you to make a much larger capital gain than you could otherwise do with stocks.

However, there are a lot of pains with property that are not immediately tangible, including tenancy law changes etc. I also don't see the point of owning and selling. You lose in taxes, duties and re-purchasing costs. I buy and keep and let them become positively geared properties where you can take a yield and the capital gain.

I also agree that some good performing ETFs (if you don't like stock picking) are probably my preferred investment vehicle.
Hello everyone.....
How many invested in foreign real estate ?Can you name country and share your experience with us?
What type of return you got on your investment ? Do they beat your home country return ?
Which payment method do you use to buy property ? Any one bought with crypto currency ? Share your tips and learning and mistake to avoid....
Is it good idea to invest overseas ?
Do you regret any decision in this process?
What are your learning in investing in foreign investment ?

The returns in my home country are superior to where I bought, but I bought in Thailand on a tourist island. The villa is always busy with bookings, with some crazies even booking right through the rainy seasons. However, there are a lot of outgoings with villas, so the yield is mild to intermediate in my opinion. The good thing is I take the yield and buy Thai gold with it and don't ever really have a tax liability. Sweet. The capital gains are not as great as my home country though and I doubt that will change.
You can try REIT investing. In us or uk stocks.

My mentality: I choose reits that are equity based. (Not like mortgage investing REITS) - meaning that their only investment is purchasing, holding and renting Real Estate, nothing other than that - rock solid. And second mentality: I look at "price to book ratio" and "debt to equity ratio" of equity reits.

In example:

I purchased ONL (Orion office reit) when its Price to book ratio was around 0.21 . I made quite well. There is also 1 year 10% dividend.

If stock market collapses, with this calculation, companies holding of real estate size will be 0.21 P/B ratio. Then if stock market collapses we will have 5 times in our hands of real estate and buildings. real estate and buildings.

Its debt to equity was also fine. It is operating with loss currently - but I am fine.

My system is similar to purchasing a traditional real estate or house for with 80% discount with no low or no debt.

Stock markets are scam. At least Equity based REIT's own something. And liquid compared to purchasing real estate. And no costs like repairs etc.
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Easier to seize/freeze your reits from institutionals/brokers than actually find properties
After all, we will need 20% percent of the price of the stock and market cap, to get back what we invested. It is not too aggressive.
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