How do you think about the Vaccine from Pfizer?

Will you take the vaccine once you get it offered?

  • Yes, I'm not afraid of it.

    Votes: 15 23.8%
  • No, never, I will not be one of their Zombies.

    Votes: 48 76.2%

  • Total voters
Fake "pandemic" .
I do not find any young man die due to corona.
Only old man and they have another health issue also.
May be some not so deadly virus there , But not dangerous as media reported.
you don’t find until you find.

I don’t know where all this crazy theories start but the virus is out there and those bullshits that only old man die and bla bla bla when someone close to you can’t breathe and you tried antibiotics, antivirals, etc and nothing seems to work then you realized what is going on.

I won’t discuss is the virus was made in a laboratory or jumped from an animal, I don’t care. What
I do care is that close friends were really bad and I’m talking about semi-pro athletes with no underlying conditions between 25-38.
Reactions: troubled soul
Yes, the virus is out there, but you must follow the science, which most governments are not doing.

If you are under age 70, lack multiple disease states, and have normal vitamin D levels, then you have almost no chance of dying from COVID-19. That is what the science says. To reduce COVID-19 symptoms, you simply take 2,000 mg of vitamin C until the symptoms disappear. Why is the government not providing this information to the masses?
Reactions: jjrapy
I agree with that, but how to explain that a person in his 30s, athlete, analysis made every year for competition with nothing out of value, plus we have plenty of sun in the year so I assume that vitamin D leves are ok ended in UCI? something is not working for sure and something is strange with this virus whether is made or natural.

Most of the people assume that they got a flu so they take vit c, anti flu and so on. Then is too late for the lung as far as I have seen. I’m not a doctor but my father and mother in law are so I can speak from a close experience.

Indeed I have friends that had mild symptoms, only no taste and no smell for a while and that’s all. So still a mystery for me as my old workmates, in their 50’s near 60’s with bad food habits, cholesterol, overweight, and others pre-conditions just had mild symptoms.

Because it IS rare for young and healthy people to die from it. Take a trip to Africa and you will see. I can show you around.

Well who tells you the "semi pro athlete" did not do a bunch of doping and thus has a very messed up body? Had a buddy back in the days being a semi-pro athlete "star" and he was called "the pharmacy" lol
Lol, indeed I have one friend called “the doctor or the chemist” but it’s not the case.
The chemist was positive too and had a bad time to heal.
That’s why is strange for me and also so many people at the same time collapsing hospitals in Brazil and Argentina for example.. And now Uruguay too, that was an example of management not so long ago.
I will be tested in a few hours, one of my roomies was tested positive yesterday, so I believe I have it, so far so good nothing to feel at all
Let’s hope everything goes well! Mild symptoms and hopefully you don’t lose smell or taste, everyone I know that lost one of them says that is like you eat cardboard lol
That’s why is strange for me and also so many people at the same time collapsing hospitals in Brazil and Argentina for example.. And now Uruguay too, that was an example of management not so long ago.
There is also a connection between between COVID-19 and bad air quality. Wuhan has very bad air quality and the virus problem receded after people stayed home and factories shut down. The second epicenter, Italy, has almost half of the cities in Europe with the worst air quality. In the U.S., the place with the worst COVID-19 problem was NYC. So, if this is happening in large cities in South America, that is likely why.
Totally agree with you.. it could be a connection to bad air quality
gosh.......covid 19 is a catalysator for a system change.
1.White people
2.all peoples wealth restrictions
4.citizen score (vaccine pass)
5.change from inflationary system to a deflationary system
6.Deflationary virtual money with negative interest rate linked to an asset (CDR's)
7.World wide defi to replace governments and customer banks
8.Change of people rights.Just today germany passed a new law where citizens basicly lost all rights which were normaly in a democratic country even the right to be "physically intact"

About Pfizer it is an mRNA vaccine.I recommend reading what it exectly does

About being tested positive.Test a second time and it will be negativ.Majority of positive tests are false positive and more important the PCR test is not testing for the virus which have been till today not isolated (why ?) but for "antibodies" .
Let’s see if the conspiracy reach those levels.
About mRNA, I’ve read and it just a technique that doesn’t reach the core of the cell so your dna it’s safe I don’t know the technicals terms in English but basically that is what I read.
btw, I prefer the old school vaccine not the mRNA
That is all theoretical. No one knows exactly how the human body works. Read this article written by a scientist:
Reactions: jjrapy
It's a conspiracy for people who doesn't read offical reports. Agenda 2030 was already signed in the 70's by all countries.
If you think industry 4.0 ,Eugenica,id2020 ,agenda 2030 etc are all conspiracy than i recommend starting reading offical documents else you will be one of the many victims.

That is all theoretical. No one knows exactly how the human body works. Read this article written by a scientist:
Nonsense.It's known.People who participated in development clearly said how it works.The Y gen is acting as a trojan to get into your cells.It takes 4-18 months to fully expand in your body.

Great, I will look.. but as I said, I prefer the old school vaccine lol
Would people really have a brain they would have noticed already that mRNA vaccines are only delivered to western democratic countries.
The rest of the world gets old school vaccines and even have way less restrictions.
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