How do you think about the Vaccine from Pfizer?

Will you take the vaccine once you get it offered?

  • Yes, I'm not afraid of it.

    Votes: 15 23.8%
  • No, never, I will not be one of their Zombies.

    Votes: 48 76.2%

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why not, even you are in the 20s you will be at risk to be infected?
Infected does not mean anything. Look at actual dead rates and excess dead’s. Which came down massively, while infection rates up massively - does not mean anything; old people and people with severe underlaying health issues already died. For others, being infected usually means nothing or a few days of discomfort.

The question is, why would any health human being take a vaccin which is created in such short time, vs the usual 10 years of development AND testing - and based on mRNA which is never used on humans before, literally including a new code in your cells. I personally wait for at least 5 years, but would just skip it.
I have the (bad) feeling they won't let you live unless you take the REAL jab on the arm (not like the fake shitpoliticians and other idiots on shitmedia). That's, right now, my biggest concern. Look at what they've done in 9 months: liberties curtailed, curfews everywhere, can't shop without looking like a terrorist, etc etc ... why not push the pedal to the metal on Kill Bill's agenda and stab everyone with their android-ccine?.....seriously, there is no real counter-action to what they are doing (put myself in there, too), no riots on the streets (of course, a black man didn't die, so there's no need for riots...smh), that's why this is going global at lightning speed, big tech also showing us the door if we don't comply as sheep...
Well, then you and other people will just die or stop "living" without getting the REAL jab... what is the problem here? You will die either way! From the vaccine, age or some other things, right?

On the other hand, how can a government or any international institution do to "force you and your followers" to take the vaccine? Maybe they can prevent you from doing some activities and that's it. I think it is not so difficult to live without being allowed to go to some shops, traveling by plane, public transportation,... In the best case scenario you can hire a vaccinated surrogate to do some tasks for you or alternatively, if you will wait long enough, you will be able to do almost anything remotely - as Mr. Klaus Schwab said, so there won't be a need to go outside anyway.

They cannot point a gun to your head and force you to take the vaccine because as soon as something like this will happen people will stop obeying the rules...

Hint: I will not take the vaccine even after 5 years of testing... I just don't feel confident to take the vaccine made by Mr. "Kebab Maker" Ugur Sahin or any other scientists from Moderna, Pfizer, etc.
Well, then you and other people will just die or stop "living" without getting the REAL jab... what is the problem here? You will die either way! From the vaccine, age or some other things, right?
LOL F** off...I will sure die someday, just not ready to do it on someone else's (money)terms. A completely different thing is that 'they' (pretty certain of who 'they' are by now) will block you from living, which I agree is a very real possibility.
They cannot point a gun to your head and force you to take the vaccine because as soon as something like this will happen people will stop obeying the rules...
Oh, but they will...not literally of course, but in practical, real-life terms. After having brainwashed enough sheep, they already have a big enough 'sheep-compliant' an army (basically cult-followers, like TESLA or BTC do), to do the killing/ostracizing/shaming for them, let alone the restrictions they will impose on top of that to those who don't comply with the 'greater good'....communism dystopia much?

I believe that the covid/vaccine has a hidden agenda of population control in a number of ways. I believe it seems very suspicious that children under age of 8 wont have the vaccine and its being rolled out from older people downwards. Everything about this screams to me that this is population control to reduce reproduction, and also take current humans world wide freedom roam. i don't believe china created it but the UK along with USA anyone ever watched a movie called JUST IN TIME with Justin timberlake i believe that's the new world order coming to us along the way stripping the world of asset ownership with this vaccine killing the current generations off and new laws and making people slaves world wide making them working slaves each day for some crypto updated on there RTIF chip to enable a poverty like life for the world day to day living getting a meal and having electric in there house.
Okay, sounds the window to join the elite club as a fully functional human being just closed in 2019/2020?!? New billionaires and billionaires in the making as well as young generation of world leaders like (Eco-Greta ...LOL) will join the leading circles of the global elite as a sterile controlable bots unable for reproduction. What is the solution, then? International uprising? Global anticovidvaxxers movement? Some sort of underground activities? Just avoid vaccination? Do nothing?
IF this is to control reproduction, then why leaving kids out? why vaccinating 80+ grannies?
Like everyone else, I do not know what is right or wrong with this vaccine. But one thing I know, from the day this Virus became publicly known and the shutdown of the world started, there started a new world order, just wait, nothing, and I mean nothing, will be as before, now the control party starts over all people on this planet.
Reactions: tellmehowitis
IF this is to control reproduction, then why leaving kids out? why vaccinating 80+ grannies?
It saves a lot from social benefit and retirement payments. The western govs are broke and cannot pay without inflation.
The young in the west do not get that anyway and they know it.
The 60+ folks want it, believe they get it and are in for a rude awakening.
The 80+ folks got a great bunch of retirement money but now its done.
i would say the 50+ are wanting it more now as the media is pushing it more about 50 year old's dying from getting it. i don't watch the news much normally not at all but my dear friend has being telling me they are now trying to scare monger the mid 20's to mid 30's who are becoming critical from the virus so this is also aimed at the 40's. I actually watched the news for 15 mins today and to my surprise just before they went to the covid effect health care system the news presenter stated that this is footage that the hospital made !!! seemed like 2 beds were filled in an icu, another shot of all the staff putting masks on like big business is about to take place, other clips of tired workers mentioning against anti covid protestors and playing on there own mental health due to this lmao... then the staff got asked what should we do to help this "follow the rules" i had to laugh at myself i mean if this virus was true any half minded chimp would know that a total lockdown and i mean a proper lockdown nothing for 1 month world wide would solve this. if it was planned which it could of been months ago now there would be no issue. Its just so obvious to me that they want this virus about for a nwo of the children under the age of 8 today world wide they will be a suppressed world probably working for musk to get the elites to mars in time while just breaking bread and getting by in a miserable existence lol maybe this is why musk named is kid x9301308130 barcode name a few years back
Reactions: boomy
IF this is to control reproduction, then why leaving kids out? why vaccinating 80+ grannies?
just because they don't want to extinct the whole race but control the population right down to maybe half a billion for now and have future slaves to carry out labour and mindless tasks what people currently get for abit of money each week to make the planet eco friendly or to work towards living on mars.
explained very well
Reactions: tellmehowitis

Correction here.

Vaccine doesn't change DNA.

What's inside vaccine is just mRNA fragment which has been isolated from virus. It force our body to synthesis virus protein.

Virus protein is not familiar antigen for our immune system, so our immune system starts to produce antibodies against this protein.

Some of lymphocyte-B, which has been producing antibodies against that protein, stays in our body as memory cells.

With next contact with this specific antigen (this time could be real virus) our immune response is faster and more powerful. Less risk of infection.

When vaccine will stop working?

Well, if mutation will occur in same fragment which we isolated (in order to make vaccine) , then you can put all vacines into trash as they will not work anymore.
This is not a vaccine but a genetic treatment as you state it.
It is like a software update for a potential future attack. Quite the difference of how traditional vaccines work.
No wonder it works that way if you know who is pushing this.
Reactions: Golden Fleece
If you really that age then you are first I have heard refusing to take the vaccine, most people at your age are happy and don't care that much about all discussed here.
Fake "pandemic" .
I do not find any young man die due to corona.
Only old man and they have another health issue also.
May be some not so deadly virus there , But not dangerous as media reported.
I totally agree, there are no youngsters that died yet unless they already were infected venereal disease.
will this ever take an end? First the UK variation then the South African variation, then the German variation and now some vaccine does not work for all and some only helps in 60% of incidence wtf!
A brand new technology (not traditional a vaccine) that skipped the normal 7-10 year FDA approval process, operating under an emergency authorization, all to stop a virus that kills only 1/10 of one percent of all people under age 70 who contract COVID-19 (which is half the average influenza death rate). What could go wrong?

To see what could go wrong, Google the Denvaxia vaccine where over 600 people (mostly children) who received the vaccine died in the Philippines.
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