How do you think about the Vaccine from Pfizer?

Will you take the vaccine once you get it offered?

  • Yes, I'm not afraid of it.

    Votes: 15 23.8%
  • No, never, I will not be one of their Zombies.

    Votes: 48 76.2%

  • Total voters
The fact we're even having this thread going means 'they' are winning this race. Yup, believe it or not, there actually is a top elite that rules the rest in a pyramid-like scheme, where a few people's desires trickle down to billions of people through various means and people (the hit-men). It's easy to disregard what I just typed as a 'conspiracy theory' or tin-foil hat lunacy, but I challenge you to do a bit of REAL research, no prejudices or judgements attached, and see how interconnected the world is, and who's behind that interconnection. It's your fault, not mine, if you don't do it. It's been going on since 1694, when the privately-held (and still is) Bank of England (those you call 'Central' Banks are neither central nor public, Fed, ECB, BoE) was formed. Right there and then, a new oligarchical and ruling (banking, it's always been the money, since the chosen times, guys) class was born, with the Rothschilds at the very forefront of it (oh yes, the RS word! you f*ing fool!...Am I really? well, take a look at great historian Bill Still's "The Secret of Oz" documentary and "The Money Masters" and realize how America's forefathers fought against the bankers until 1913, when they finally lost the battle for good). Also, pond over why the movie 'the Rothschilds' was being fought in court by this family as it wanted it removed...they lost the trial, btw, so you can still find it on the web...

This plandemic (it's a total lie, the sooner you get over it, the better) follows in the footsteps of other events that have been slowly but surely preparing the new (and very dumb in its majority) generations for mass control and indoctrination. Did you believe the 9/11 crap? Really? 2 drunk muslims hijacking commercial planes, flying them down and levelling them at cruise speed to crash into the twin towers, which then collapsed at free-fall speed due to 'jet fuel fire' which burns up to a maximum of 1000 degrees less than that which the towers could withstand? What about WTC 7? And the Iraqi WMD that justified the invasion? And and and...

This is real, guys. And the only difference is that these guys are now in the open, because they fear nothing (new generations are dumb and coward as hell..."woke" they call them). The 2008 'crash' (GFC you say? lol) was the invention to transfer wealth into the hands of the chosen ones in order for them to do what you are just seeing now. They now have VAST amounts of money and have their hit-men (Kill Gaytes, Fuckorge Soros, Jeez Bezos, Larry Pink, Stevie Wonder-Schwarzmann, etc) to act and do as they please...biggest donor to the WHO? Yep, Kill Gaytes... and to the BBC (yes, that infamous TV s**t that told you the WTC 7 had collapsed 30 minutes before it actually did)? same shitman...and who owns shares in Moderna? Ohh look, it's Bill Kill again...and who is connected with leftist groups Antifa and BLM? The Open Society Foundation...sponsored by? George MF Soros... ... so yeah, consider it a conspiracy theory, but facts will remain the same. I could go on for hours with examples of who, what and how these guys operate (in the USA, only Lyndon Larouche had the courage and guts to call them by name...and cost him several years in jail with fake planted evidence), but it won't make a difference if you don't want to pay attention (find out what happened to the CEO of Banca Ambrosiano, in the 80' example of how those with (the real) power in Rome (no, not the politicians, but the others in the city-state) treat traitors...).

The distraction of the 2008 events masked the beginning of what is now in full force, the realization that even fewer hands dominate basically all the spheres we interact in (internet, banking, communications, etc), which is the perfect environment for creating fake global situations/events. Have you not even thought WHY is every government in the world (or almost, Belarus and Sweden would be the insurrectionists this time) doing and -most importantly- SAYING the same (using same code words, etc)? If you don't want to pay attention or do some research is fine, but don't label others who do, then. The current global "event" (current plandemic had a rehearsal in October 2019, search: event 201, where Kill Gates assembled a group of people for a to-do list 'in case' a plandemic would surprising happen) has also laid out bare the incapacity of the people to revolt and raise against these tyrants, and they bloody well know it. And therein lies their majestic power, in the lack of coordination by the people, which, unless I'm very much mistaken, will perpetuate what has just begun. With younger generations being woke and dumb as hell, and the communist multi-divisions that arise from it (lgbtiq-zxse, climate booze, racial fakes, etc) -the old labours vs the elite-, people is even more distracted (thanks, Twitter) to allow those in charge to run naked and enjoy the course.

Finally and to be honest, at this point, and regardless of whatever amount of research I've done or how crazy you think I am, I couldn't care less about what's going on. I've reached a point where I only care where my family goes from here, and it's my/our job to figure it out and plan/work accordingly. The rest, unfortunately, with such a degraded and depraved society (the last 3 decades have done a good job dumbing out youngsters), it's up to someone bigger than me to handle...or else, let it be. As someone pointed out, there will always be someone willing to give you whatever s**t they will require for us to travel, etc (f**k vaccines, of course) if you just pay the right amount, so there we'll have to focus, in amassing enough wealth to be able to bribe whoever is needed in roder to cross the door. Take it easy and enjoy the ride, this has just started.

An interesting take. Bribery and black market as the only saving grace for being able to live a somewhat halfway normal life.
I don't know what we have to believe, if this is good or bad.. I'm totally confused
The House of Rothschild : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive - this is the one, I messed up with the other one (the German one), apologies for that. Link is fine, you should be able to watch it. The other one is in German as other OPs point out, it's a matter of translating or finding help, not easy, but can be done...both good ones. For the record, this one in English was the one on trial where the Rs tried to remove it, but lost. However, not many streaming sites have it listed...I wonder why...
There are so many people against it as well as for it, after all the discussions I have been following here and there I don't know, but for sure I will wait at least until the last exit before I get it.
according to The House of Rothschild - Wikipedia , the plot is nothing tragic. Maybe you really meant the n**i movie, after all?
according to The House of Rothschild - Wikipedia , the plot is nothing tragic. Maybe you really meant the n**i movie, after all?
The German movie is the hard one so to speak, the English one is less 'tragic' as you put it, but if you read between the lines, you may understand why they wanted it removed anyway.

In any case, of the two, I'd side with the German one. I'd also recommend - you'll also see their influence during the US Civil war, amongst other things...
I am in my 20s, of course I won't be taking it.
I am almost 80, and no way, no how, will I take this dangerous vaccine that changes our DNA and causes many health problems, including death..either fairly immediately or in a longer period of time.. This is their first attempt to chip everyone and change to digital currency, in which case we have to "obey" or get no money. Period.
If this pandemic was to be a global reset event I would have expected things to be much worse. Or maybe we are just at the beginning stages . Time will tell.
I think we are at the beginning stage/intro of this project... you cannot relatively peacefully "introduce" radically new ideas to broader population.
Reactions: lory
I think we are at the beginning stage/intro of this project... you cannot relatively peacefully "introduce" radically new ideas to broader population.
yeah I wonder what they are doing now with the mutation in the UK and South Africa. They don't tell people if the already developed vaccine also works well with the mutations.
Fake "pandemic" .
I do not find any young man die due to corona.
Only old man and they have another health issue also.
May be some not so deadly virus there , But not dangerous as media reported.
Reactions: GiovanniBe
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