How do you think about the Vaccine from Pfizer?

Will you take the vaccine once you get it offered?

  • Yes, I'm not afraid of it.

    Votes: 15 23.8%
  • No, never, I will not be one of their Zombies.

    Votes: 48 76.2%

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I don't like mandatory anything, And although I'm skeptic about masks, wearing one is not that big of a deal for me and It's not the kind of the hill that I wish to die on.

I look at it in that way, A) if the mask is working and preventing me from getting covid, then it's a great thing and I have no problem wearing it. B) If the mask is not working, then it's also a great thing as it's good for privacy and it's good against certain facial recognition systems. Although, I like to admit that it became easier to detect people even when they are wearing masks. But it's a good practice nonetheless.

Here's a piece that talks about scientific double standards when it comes to face mask: The Face Mask Debate Reveals a Scientific Double Standard

And I have to say that this is surprising to say the least, when you consider that the story came from wired.
Reactions: JohnLocke
Hopefully the vaccines stop the disease symptoms (they seem to quite reliably) and the spread. If not, then we will see the media and many peoples' heads explode.

On December 8, Chief Scientific Adviser to the Government of the United Kingdom Sir Patrick Vallance talked about wearing masks through the Winter of 2021/2022. He said “We don't know yet how good all the vaccines are going to be at preventing the transmission of the virus".

And yet people are basically saying "No immunity passports to reward those bad people who had the virus (and are very unlikely to be contagious again). Immunity passports must only be for good people who had the vaccine (and might now become silent spreaders)".
If the mask is not working, then it's also a great thing as it's good for privacy and it's good against certain facial recognition systems.

Baseball cap pulled down and face mask works great for some at ATM's with cameras I suppose
Reactions: polonieth
A mask is dehumanising. It's like the hijab.

I don't wear one because the evidence they work is not there. Until it's provided, I don't wear one. And does a virus with a 99.9% survival rate really require them?

If uneducated lemmings want to comply with no further questioning then that's fine but I find it sad seeing swathes of zombies all masked up in shopping centres.

I read the wired article, I am not sure you can equate hand washing with mask wearing.

What if wearing a mask makes you more likely to develop other illnesses? Something which some of the trials have shown. The recent Danish mask study likely showed this too but looks like it was removed just to get it finally published.
Reactions: JohnLocke
Who would have thought that in 2020 that I would be able to walk into a bank with a black mask and walk up to the counter without being looked at like a robber. Amazing how times have changed .
Meh, it's not surprising that most people comply with Authority type figures and moves with the crowd without really questioning anything, Look at n**i germany for example, or better yet, look at snowden leaks!

Did people really give a crap about the excessive spying that their government are doing on them? No, and it became even worse when a lot of people are not only giving their data and whole life to the US government, but to the CCP too through apps like tiktok.

a lot of people are really brainwashed and just follow one political party or specific belief and they block every other arguments and live in their own safe bubble. And this goes for ultra nationalistic nut jobs , Hardcore libtards and tree huggers, both are stupid and easily controlled.

now when it comes to this danish study, I'm quite skeptic. As it's only one study and although the difference between people who wear masks and who didn't is minimal, there is still a difference about .

Also, the study didn’t monitor the participants to make sure that they actually did wear their masks properly.
what they did is asking people how well they thought they did with compliance. and more than half admitted that they didn’t wear their masks perfectly.

we can't just point at one study and said "Aha, Gotcha!" no we need to look at everything that is surrounding this study and analyze it carefully, like who are the people/institutions that are sponsoring this study and whether they benefit from it or not...etc.

For example, Like this study that said:
" Avocado Consumption Alters Gastrointestinal Bacteria Abundance among Adults who are overweight, and People who ate avocado every day had a greater abundance of gut microbes that break down fiber and produce metabolites that support gut health."
And who are the ones sponsoring this study, the Hass Avocado Board, lmao .

So, you need to be careful when you read these "scientific" studies and wait until its peer reviewed and you should read it yourself and account every little thing that these studies mention in their papers.

If every thing is "scientific" these days we can look at study like this that says:

"People with beliefs in conspiracy theories have a cognitive bias known as the jumping to conclusion (JTC) bias, the tendency to perform hasty decisions based on little evidence, and a preference for an intuitive general thinking style, as opposed to analytical thinking."

And we can say "wow, so people who follow conspiracy theories are brain dead and follow their beliefs and pseudo science instead of real science and logic".

So, you need to read this studies with Extra grain of salt, and in general, a healthy skepticism is not a bad thing
Who would have thought that in 2020 that I would be able to walk into a bank with a black mask and walk up to the counter without being looked at like a robber. Amazing how times have changed .
You can do every thing in 2020, you can even enter women's bathroom if you just feel like you identify as one.

No judgment for people who do
The Danish Mask Study was a well designed randomised control trial. And it's the only one specific to covid 19. I don't think you can really be skeptical of it or say take it with a grain of salt, it's a simple study with clear outcomes.

They also held off publishing it as a pre print, instead waiting for a high quality journal to peer review it and publish it. Despite several journals refusing to. Which I assume it because some of the other impacts from mask wearing in the study were negative. As well as them having no impact of preventing the spread of covid.

This isn't some observational study.
I wouldn't be surprised if in a year from now it will be found out that side effect of the virus is infertility
Reactions: melzvy
I don't mind wearing a mask, it helps hide my identity and protects from cold weather. No proof was provided that coronavirus came out laboratory and in my opinion the great reset or depopulation are just conspiracy theories but we shall see
Yup operation fear in full effect. Next they will bring out a man on camera who claims his dick fell off because of covid.
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