How do you think about the Vaccine from Pfizer?

Will you take the vaccine once you get it offered?

  • Yes, I'm not afraid of it.

    Votes: 15 23.8%
  • No, never, I will not be one of their Zombies.

    Votes: 48 76.2%

  • Total voters
I don't know what I will choose to do once it get available in my country. What I do know, I don't believe this fantasy story about this virus.
That's why I whole heartedly believe that biological warfare is the future. All you need to do is inject some nutjob with some chemical agent that you have the cure/vaccine for.

Lets hope biological terrorism is not the future .

Maybe this is all a dry run for preparing society for this event.
Reactions: JohnLocke
If this pandemic was to be a global reset event I would have expected things to be much worse. Or maybe we are just at the beginning stages . Time will tell.
Reactions: JohnLocke

That is exactly what I spoke with a friend about yesterday. The 1% every one know about but the average Joe don't recognize, he is to stupid to understand what this world is build on, the 99% of monkeys in this world do what the 1% say they shall do.

But yeah, let's hope it is not a dry run, something tells me it is.
That article scared the s**t out of me including all the comments here about a fake Virus, Illuminates - The 1% of the richest people that want to dominate this world.

Do you guys really think that way?
Reactions: JohnLocke
That article scared the s**t out of me including all the comments here about a fake Virus, Illuminates - The 1% of the richest people that want to dominate this world.

Do you guys really think that way?
Not really but there is something very weird going on.

None of the measures that have been rolled out across most of the world have any science behind them, in fact, most of them are the opposite of what scientific evidence has shown us for 40 years. So you have to ask why are they doing this?

Is it purely because earlier in the year, every government/leader copied each other due to fear of having 'blood on their hands', yet it was quickly realised they got it badly wrong (infections had peaked before lockdowns even started and the danger was overblown) and now simply it's a matter of not admitting that and maintaining the same level of fear/risk so they don't look stupid having wrecked the economy for future generations based on what is akin to mild flu?

Or is there something more sinister going on? Is it a reset? Or are politicians simply just enjoying how much power they have over people and how easy it was to make people comply? Very rarely do governments relinquish powers they have obtained when they are no longer needed.

I haven't worn a mask since this garbage started and I've done my utmost to not comply with any rules that I deem pointless.
Reactions: pesto and JohnLocke
That article scared the s**t out of me including all the comments here about a fake Virus, Illuminates - The 1% of the richest people that want to dominate this world.

Do you guys really think that way?
Meh, it doesn't matter what anybody believe in, but rather how would you act/react when certain things start to happen whether it's Societal or economic.

Do I believe in ultra wealthy Illuminati Kind of BS? No, However I'm quite wealthy (not billions wealthy though ) and I would love to join this ship and control the world together with these vampires.

Do I believe that there are people/governments/politicians who are engaged in wars to maximize their profits? Yes, thanks to people like julian assange.

Do I believe that there are people/governments/politicians in the west that behave like china and sometimes worse and are working to undermine people's privacy and freedoms? Yes, thanks to organizations like EFF who expose stupid laws like the EARN IT ACT or the worse one ANTI ENCRYPTIAN BILL (they are not even ashamed about the name), and people like Edward snowden who exposed people that are engaged in similar atrocities.

Do I believe that there are people/governments/politicians who hate wealthy people (not ultra wealthy, bet medium to HNW individuals)? Yes, otherwise we won't be here discussing about how to minimize our taxes and bla bla bla while ultra wealthy individuals are living comfortably in their home country and they pay extremely low taxes. And all of that because they have the resources to build extremely complex structures and at the same time help funding politicians who introduce laws that hurt business owners who are smaller.

These Ultra wealthy individuals are basically countries on their own and they don't like competition, so they kill it, aquire it or help introduce laws that destroy these businesses so they remain at the top.
how did you avoid to be fined at any point?
Fines are unenforceable as they are not law. I have rarely been challenged in stores, on transport, etc. and when I have I've just played dumb/ultra nice rather than kick-off. But I've not been in any fully authoritarian states where it might be harder to get away with?

I went into a restaurant last night where you had to wear a mask to walk around but could take it off when seated. When I walked in I went to the bar and was asked where my mask was. I just told the waitress, we both know that's stupid, I'm here to spend money, so I will take a seat.

That's a good one. Was it McDonalds?
An independent pizza place. Businesses are going to ruin through all these restrictions and fear-based propaganda making people stay at home. I have been going out more than ever to try and support places. Sad when you see bars having to turn people away at 10pm and shut at 12. Although they don't always help themselves by putting all these rules in place IMO. Although I assume some are at risk of losing their licence etc if they do not.
Reactions: erni
Let's hope you didn't infected anyone with COVID then. What you did sounds to have a good meaning but if this is not a fake Virus as most of us believe then you have made the opposite.
Let's hope you didn't infected anyone with COVID then. What you did sounds to have a good meaning but if this is not a fake Virus as most of us believe then you have made the opposite.
If you'd like to point me in the direction of an RCT that shows masks prevent the spread of respiratory viruses I will gladly read it. The reason I don't wear one is that the science of the last 40 years shows they are at best useless and at worst have negative impacts elsewhere.

I am healthy, I don't have the virus (or if I do, I'm completely asymptomatic and therefore do not spread it), so why would I wear a mask?

If I'm sick, I stay home, as we've done for every other coronavirus or flu. I decide when I'm better to go out again, not the state.
Reactions: erni
True, I don't believe the mask, vaccine nor this fake virus at any time. Still we don't have evidence for anything

Judging by your avatar you are in the high risk category .
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